Rude Awakening

Feb 23, 2008 09:05

I got a call this morning at 7:45 from Dan informing me that our van was broken into and almost all of our gear was stolen. Awesome. I'm actually feeling pretty calm about the whole thing (although I imagine if I had had to talk with the police I probably would be fuming a lot more. Don't worry, Mackenzie's fuming enough for the both of us). What ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

Dag, yo... shabudaquae February 23 2008, 15:44:10 UTC
That really, really stinks. I commend you on taking it so well - if someone had stolen my horn, I don't know exactly how I'd feel, but I doubt I'd be so calm.

Let us know if there's anything we can do from KY - we don't exactly have a lot of rock and/or roll gear laying around, but if you need to borrow any of our 3 guitars or 1 amp, or one of our mediocre keyboards let us know. Also, let us know when/where your upcoming concerts will be - we STILL want to hear you guys live :).


Re: Dag, yo... turbo23 February 23 2008, 17:09:05 UTC
Thanks man. We've got some leads, so although unlikely, I am holding out some hope we might get some of the stuff back. And we'll figure it out regardless. We're actually playing at the end of March in Lexington- our myspace has all the details about it. I don't remember if Louisville is at all close to Lexington, but that's as close as we're getting anytime soon. Hope you guys are doing well.


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