Yaoi/BL/Shounen Ai anime (B Group) short reviews

Feb 21, 2019 19:11

5. Sekaiichi Hatsukoi / World's Greatest First Love

Rating: B+

Buy it on amazon for cheap (funimation has only part of it on streaming right now)

- Dammit all, but I love this show despite its problematic issues (it would be an A if not for this). This show has incredible rewatch value, and every rewatch provides more context for the things that happen in the show, as well as making more and more obvious the care that was put into the plot work and character development. Takano's story in particular is so extremely subtle even I was surprised at the things I realized after rewatching it a third and fourth+ time. It also has one of the best, most visceral depictions of a character from broken home that I've ever seen. This story follows 3 couples who are all adults that all work at the same publishing company, and most of them in the same department (the shoujo manga publishing department). The main couple, Takano/Ritsu, has a well developed relationship and backstory, even if Ritsu (the main character) is way too stubborn. My favorite couple, whom the least time is spent on, is Kisa/Yukina. Their situation feels very real, and the struggles they face seem normal given the situation they are in. The only couple I don't like is the third one, Yoshino/Tori. Yoshino feels way too far into the girl stand-in trope, and is a complete airhead (his character design also sucks, and his boyfriend is completely insane). This show also has some of the most erotic sex scenes that don't show anything at all that I've ever seen. Upsides: The animation grows on you after a couple of episodes, if you're not used to it. The couples are generally fine, and it is very easy to skip the episodes for any couple you don't like. The translation on the DVDs is extremely good, and actually adds to the story. Also, the work they do at the publishing company is interesting and adds tension in believable ways. Downsides: Gets rapey and is not ashamed about it, although it is vaaaaguely explained away. All tension revolves around 1) misunderstandings that could've easily been avoided by the characters communicating OR 2) by crazed imaginings of the focus character of the relationship. Just slightly too many yaoi tropes in play here, but at least the age differences aren't into the creepy territory. Yokozawa, a side character, is given way to much leeway by Takano, and it feels way too late by the time he's finally shut down by Takano at the end of season 2.

6. Doukyuusei

Rating: B+

Watch it on amazon prime, or you're just going to have pirate it, sorry. The R1 release for this movie is something like $95. Google around and you'll find eng subtitled uploads of it here and there.

- This is a well-animated movie with a single plot thread following two guys in high school who begin a relationship while having some trouble along the way. I want to love this movie. There's nothing particularly wrong with it. No weird age differences (caveat*), no rapey situations (caveat*), no yaoi trope-fest. However something about it makes me not quite love it enough to give it a better rating. It could be that Kusakabe is an archetype I don't typically like. (*caveat-->) It could be the vaguely creepy teacher that sort-of assaults Sajou, yet the two boys keep associating with him. I do feel that it's kind of odd that Kusakabe's always initiating things when he is the one stated to be straight (if experienced with girls), and Sajou is the one stated to be gay (but not experienced). It makes it feel like Sajou just isn't that interested, especially with us rarely getting any perspective on him. Also, there is a tease about them maybe having sex, but then the thought is never followed up on, which made the movie feel disappointing by the end. They should've made this a full-feature 2 hour movie that covered all the Sajou/Kusakabe plotlines from Doukyuusei, Sotsugyuusei, and Occupation to Beloved (the sequels), and I probably would've given it a better rating. As it is, I think the incompleteness is what caused me to rate it lower than an A. Upsides: Good, unique animation. Engaging story. Sajou is an archetype I do like a lot. The struggles feel realistic and not really tropey. Downsides: Sometimes the animation/movements get really goofy, which doesn't ever seem to fit with the mood of the movie. Kusakabe has a lot of annoying behaviors that are total put-offs. Story is incomplete and thus doesn't feel very fulfilling by the end. The teacher is annoying and creepy.

7. DRAMAtical Murder

Rating: B+

Watch it for free: https://www.crunchyroll.com/dramatical-murder

- This story seems to involve mostly adults (main character is not a teenager at least), and has an actual good, strong plot outside of the yaoi aspects of the show. It was based on a visual novel, and unfortunately you can tell, because of the way the harem is dealt with. The romance aspects of the show are almost non-existent, and there is only one kiss, and it's not even with the love interest that is part of the main plotline. The harem feels like a collection of archetypes, but at least they all have interesting backstories and enough time is spent on them that you care. None of the characters (including the main character), thank goodness, are complete useless wastes of space. Upsides: interesting plot/setting, good resolution. Good music and character designs. Downsides: romance aspects almost completely non-existent. Animation quality is hit or miss.

8. No. 6

Rating: B

Watch it for free: https://www.crunchyroll.com/no-6

- This is a far-out sci-fi post-apocalypse story/plot first and a romance very, very secondarily. The storyline is actually good outside of the romance, and entails walled-off city "number 6" containing the last remnants of the population controlled by evil government, while the unwanted deplorables camp outside of the city living in danger. The main couple does kiss and show affection, but nothing beyond that. Tension is generated by plot elements not lame misunderstandings. Downside: nothing much is shown beyond a kiss. And dat ending, doe.

9. Hybrid Child

Rating: B

Watch it by pirating it. Doesn't seem to be licensed in R1.

- This is a 4-episode OVA by the same author as Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (aka World's Greatest First Love). Is this story the past lives of the two leads from Sekai-ichi? Sure seems like it. The story is plot-heavy and the yaoi romance is built very slowly. It is set in a feudal Japan, and the first couple of episodes appear like a period piece that is going to have inappropriately silly yaoi tropes in them. But the atmosphere is always a bit dark around the melodrama. Plot is hinted at early on, and then episode 3/4 will just murder your poor heart dead. I still think about this story months later. The romance drives the plot of the entire series, but you don't know it until the very end, and then it is just heart-wrenching. Upsides: Great story that stays with you. Interesting characters. Compelling situation and plot that has something to say. Very believable relationship between the two who turn out to be the main two (not clear from the beginning). Top notch animation. Downsides: Short. The final situation between the main couple is a little unsatisfying because it feels tainted by rapey elements. It's really hard to tell Tsukushima's state of mind here.

10. Hitorijime My Hero

Rating: B

Watch it on amazon prime, or buy the bluray in a few days

- High school romance following primarily one couple (older brother) and secondarily another couple (younger brother). The main couple is a fully consensual senpai/kohai-esque relationship, and really well developed. Main character is not the standard yaoi lead, which is refreshing (the main couple seems to be two versatiles, which is again, uncommon). The tension is generated by legitimate concerns (how would dating a student affect a teacher's career, etc) and sensible plot developments, not trope-y misunderstandings or lunatic imaginings by the main character. The secondary couple is not as interesting because younger brother is that girl stand-in trope that is far too common in yaoi. Younger brother's boyfriend is much more interesting, and used to much better effect throughout the series. Downside: again, not much is shown beside kisses. No implication that they go farther. It would've been nice to see them actually become free to show affection after graduation.

11. Sex Pistols

Rating: B

Watch it on pirate websites (not licensed in R1 that I can tell). I watched it on youtube.

- This story follows one main couple and two auxiliary couples. They seem to be afflicted with animal spirits like the characters in Fruits Basket, although each animal type has multiple people who have inherited the lineage. Main character is a nerdy class-rep type who clearly understands his feelings for the hot swimmer guy, but hot swimmer guy doesn't understand himself at all and pushes everyone away. I have rewatched this several times recently, and have come to the decision that I actually really liked how the relationship between these two characters was built up despite the semi-rapey plot elements. They are very cute together, and don't feel cliche at all. The second couple is two catboys, and they don't feel problematic at all, and are used to good effect throughout the episodes. The third couple comes across as problematic, and the show doesn't explain the why of things until after you're already in shock from the rapeyness, so it almost seems like an attempt to backtrack on it. Although I do appreciate the good characterization of how bitchy and tsundere a bear-spirit-afflicted alpha male guy might be. In the end I just kind of shrugged this one off because not much attention is paid to this couple anyway. The series has a lot of good comedy, which is always a bonus to any yaoi show (ones that try to go dark/edgy usually end up being cliche and lame). These OVAs also feel a bit older because of the character designs, and the story is, unfortunately, rather incomplete.  Also LOL at class president being 6'4", like what? He's not even the tallest character. Also LOL at american bear-kun being an elementary-looking shrimp in the flashback and then "6 years later", looking like a 25 year old adult, wtf even. Upsides: good main pair & secondary pair, good comedy, build-up, romance, with an intriguing premise. Downsides: Too short. There're a couple of rapey plot points that the story goes to great lengths to justify as OK. YMMV on how you take this ofc. Also, the episodes may require a rewatch or two to fully understand what's going on here (having seen Fruits Basket will help, though). Note: Because the story is presented in such an obtuse way, I'll try to clarify a few things. Go here for the full explanation. The character (Kumakashi Teruhiko) who has to "breed" with the foreigner in ep2 is not the same character as Madarame the younger (Madarame Kunimasa) even though their character designs are very similar (Kunimasa's catboy boyfriend Norio is present for moral support, but lies about being Teruhiko's lover).  Both blond swimmer guy (Madarame Yonekuni) and friend of class rep (Ousho) are reptile types, who can't well-regulate their body temp, which is why they're both interested in class rep (Shiro) innately.

12. This Boy is a Professional Wizard

Rating: B

Watch it for free: https://www.crunchyroll.com/this-boy-is-a-professional-wizard

- "This Boy" series. As is typical of the "This Boy" series, this one has a really odd art style, but this art is at least consistent, gorgeous, and intentional (rated 1st out of the 4 "This Boy" shows). It can be appreciated for its prettiness and difference from the usual. The main character is an adorable cinnamon roll, too pure for this world. In fact the whole show is just adorableness. Both characters are adults, so there's no questionable age differences. Everything is fully consensual, although nothing really happens at all. It's mostly a psychological story about two characters who are opposites regarding the things they feel the most insecure about themselves. Upsides: Stylish animation. Good romance. Downsides: Too short; these two are the most  interesting "This Boy" couple and I want more.

13. Spiritpact / Ling Qi

Rating: B-

Watch it for free: https://www.crunchyroll.com/spiritpact

- This show is a hilarious comedy and partial parody of pretty much every genre of anime. Some of it is predictable and tropey, but the silliness makes up for it. I'm pretty much always laughing my butt off at it. The BL/yaoi setup exists in episode 1, but the heavy subtext starts in around episode 3. The main character, You Keika, is kind of a girl stand-in but he's so shamelessly stubborn and rude towards his eventual "boyfriend" that you kind of don't care. The "boyfriend", Tanmoku Ki, I don't like much. He's too much of an emotionless cool guy to be very interesting/compelling. If you're gonna go with this type of main character, you have to give him weaknesses or something that makes him lose his cool from time-to-time or he's just going to come across as tropey. It was an entertaining 10 episodes either way. Caveat: Have not watched the second season. Upsides: Hilarious comedy. A great twist on the genre. Plot is different enough not to be completely predictable (although some plot points are). Downsides: BL stuff is all in subtext in the first season. Animation inbetweens are hit-or-miss. Plot is not interesting enough to make up for the lack of explicit BL content (but the comedy might be).

14. This Boy Caught a Merman

Rating: B-

Watch it on pirate websites (I had to - R1 release seems to be out of print?).

- "This Boy" series. More trippy art (2nd out of 4), but not too bad. The story is a tear jerker about a troubled high schooler, and is compelling without being completely predictable. No annoying yaoi tropes, no rapey situations. The age gap issue is a question mark; Isaki is effectively immortal and thus must be "older" than Shima, but his maturity level puts him around the same age as Shima. It doesn't really feel weird because of that though. Upsides: Animation is interesting, story is not cringey. Downsides: Short. I didn't like Isaki as much as I feel like the show needed me to. There's nothing wrong with him per se, I just didn't quite feel the bond between them, so the romance plot fell kind of flat for me.

reviews, yaoi, bl, anime, manga

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