If you are just getting started at exploring the massive fraud that was Bit of Earth, Welcome. These suggestions might help you find your way through this morbidly fascinating recap of the schemes, scams, etc. that hoodwinked half the cast of the LOTR film trilogy.
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Comments 133
Are there any plans for a sequel or further updates about Amy and Abbey?
Take care and best wishes for the future!
Well, I'm probably not supposed to give this up just yet, but there's actually a film in the works. And by "in the works," I mean "expected to be in theaters possibly as soon as January (but more likely March)." Believe me, it'll be posted here as soon as I'm given the go-ahead.
I don't hear much from the folks on Hollywood Blvd anymore--I suspect that Those Two are trying to keep a low profile after their big scam against the Business Improvement District went kaplooey. But who knows?
Seriously, though, your book was well-written and a fun read. I hope you plan on continuing your writing career as well!
I'm sure those two will pop again. It seems as if they are unable to stay out of the spotlight for long.
I do hope to do some serious writing again, but I've gotten caught up in this fanfic--I wanted to write a Book Seven of Harry Potter for my kids, because JK Rowling is just getting too darn "mature audiences only" for my eight-year-old. Ya know? It's taking forever to complete (that's what I've been doing on this Fawkes_07 account--have a read if you're into that, it's a fun story).
And yes, I saw that picture, I think I have an entry about it somewhere, it's definitely Young Amy. Always the little actress...
She also is an incredible artist--her pencil drawings are flat out stunning. Too bad she hasn't got a shred of conscience to go with her talents.
I didn't join the LOTR fandom until February 2004. I can only imagine how different my experience would have been if I'd joined a little earlier.
I'm finding it very interesting going through several of their old LJs. Archive.org is a wonderful thing.
"Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"
Just move that statement to a few months later and it would be very accurate.
I read what she wrote about growing up with Amy....small world.
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