YAY NEVILLE! FINALLY! My one main criticism of the book so far is that we haven't seen him at all. While I understand why....well. But that is over now!
Well, I was right about Aberforth being the eye (after several wrong guesses). And not really right about what happened to Ariana.
So, now the question becomes--is Nagini really a horcrux? We have: Voldemort, the ring, the diary, the locket, the cup, and now the diadem hidden in Hogwarts. That leaves one. So...my guess is that Voldemort meant to make Nagini a horcrux when he killed Harry, but instead made him one? Or made them both one, and there are 8 bits of soul instead of 7?
See, this is what I love about Rowling. I could totally be wrong about half (or more) of this. I /don't/ know for sure what the ending is going to be. I'm more and more convinced that it's not going to be lame like I thought, though.
I'm still sticking with the doe Patronus and the sword being courtesy of Snape, especially since Aberforth didn't do it.
Oh, and I think I said Gregorovitch in one of the earlier predictions and I meant Grindelwald said he never had the wand.
Man. If the sheer awesomeness of this continues, I am going to have to bow down to Rowling's sheer genius, and take back everything I ever said to the effect of 'they're really good, although they /are/ just children's books and they are a little overrated.'
What's with the heavily-implied rape, though? Yeesh. First Hermione with Fenrir, and now six-year-old Ariana. Yuck. And, yeah, it is /just/ implied, but...I think it's strongly implied. Maybe I'm wrong, though.
Okay. Back to book.