Title: the life in a day
Original Text(s) Erased:
Strong, Smoke,
Five Stages of GriefErased By:
turkeyishOriginal Text By:
caramelsilverFandom (of original text): Narnia
Fandom (of erasure): N/A
Unlike not speaking the truth
He spent half his life training himself to spot liars
and had always been easy to read anyway
what a wonderful game
What imagination
the twitch in the corner
tight glassy desperation
either agree or argue
before swiftly leaving
sighed heavily
a cigarette while at her rigid meticulous parlour
could spot liars a mile away
could recognise desperation deep buried
He was not as weak as pretended
brave enough to meet in the mirror again without armour
blew smoke
laughed a little stronger
in some alley
a loaded question
an outstretched “are you in or out”
flashed back further
He wasn’t sure how it came about before he knew it
Growing pains and addiction grew
intelligent enough but couldn’t care enough to quit
enjoyed fights
only time he saw any fire any more
Smirk in agreement By accident
winters the worst
a chill deep within his soul
memories he’d rather forget
bitterly touchable
morbidly bloody
the scar as cold outside
The young king lying hot
not regular
an ache that is much worse
bewitched by an evil
always and never familiar
tempted very badly
changed in battle
the battle killed sense
inside the wound
now an ugly scar
terrible coldness in his scar
every night when at its coldest
He suffered until the end
when it suddenly stopped
puzzled agony
the curious pain last winter
this winter too
At winter solstice, the scar again
frost bitten into flesh
awake all night
When morning
pain nothing
But night came back
unable to sleep Every night in the coldest months
his scar longed to make winter last forever
that scar never left any scars
the scar
the pain
he had to bear this curse forever
a constant reminder
never let himself be like that ever again
‘Please don’t let this be true’
changed man boy
denial too much
‘let us go back’
a mantra in his head
over and over again
silent under the crying
this hurting’
an extra second Already missed
‘The way you fight, move and talk
leaves no questions’
a void so vast
‘Please, please, please.’
already missed
so much it hurt
missed the weight
kept pleading
the mantra going faster
Will it always be this hard?