And by the way this interview is like a month or so old. >.<
We know that Peter and Nathan's dad suffered from depression and it seems genetics plays a role in whether you get a power. It also seems that Mrs. Petrelli knows everything that's going on. Could it be that Linderman is the biological father of Nathan and Peter? That could be why the father was depressed and it certainly seems like Mrs. Petrelli likes the finer things in life, which Linderman could provide. It would also reveal how Linderman knows so much about the two of them." Interesting theory - will we ever learn more about the senior Petrelli's marriage?
It seems like Phil's talking about the secrets of a previous generation. Generation? Where have we heard that term before. Oh, yeah. It's the title of the second volume of “Heroes.” Well, then… we'll let you extrapolate from there…
I think this one's right :D
Peter met Eden in Mohinder's apartment back in episode 4, 'Collision.' Is it safe to assume that he absorbed her power even though she never used it in front of him? Furthermore, will Peter ever learn what Eden's power was, and therefore be able to use it himself?" We'll add that it certainly seems like that power could come in handy if you need to get some other powered figure under control.
It certainly would. Peter definitely would have Eden's ability in his arsenal, but he only met her briefly and even then, didn't know she had the ability. However, if Peter ever had an opportunity to sit down with Suresh, Peter might learn about a lot of different abilities he might be able to access. That is, if Peter is going to meet up with Suresh.
I'm intrigued by Linderman's teasing of the powered friends he used to run around with. So, naturally, I'm wondering if next year we might see a departure episode centering on Linderman's past and the super-powered 'team' he was part of?
What was the name of volume two? Everyone say it together now.
[The Uluru] was drawn and painted by Isaac and was also on Hiro's screen saver when he first stops time. Will this be a new more serious foe on day, perhaps once our heroes begin to master their abilities? Is there any chance this monster actually exists, or is he a manifestation of something else?
There will be some hint of the Uluru mystery before the end of the season. Uluru means a lot of things to a lot of people. It might not refer to a person, but rather a concept. One of our favorite CBR readers wrote a very interesting theory about Uluru and the connection to the Aborgine dreamtime myths and theory. Is Uluru a person? Or is Uluru an ability? Or a concept? We'll see.
Perhaps. And perhaps he's the creature that's "worse than the bogeyman" according to Molly? Hmm...
Candice has threatened on more than one occasion to create illusions so disturbing that they might drive the victim insane. Will we see an example of such an illusion before the season ends, and will it take the form of the Uluru painting perhaps?
Candice will use her ability in some interesting and kick-ass illusions before the end of the season. Some horrifying. Some comical. None Uluru. Sorry.
Proven in 'Betty', the graphic novel. She drove a jock to insanity just by making an image of a demon version of the guy's dad shouting at him. Awesome! :D
Is there any chance of seeing more of Hana or seeing her in Israel? I know there is a 'Death of Hana Gittelman' book coming out, but I'm really hoping that it's not as straight forward as the title makes us think. I know it's been said that she wouldn't return to the show this year, but it was never said that she wouldn't return ever.
Is anything ever what it seems on “Heroes.” And yet, the title of the Graphic Novel is called “The Death of Hana Gitelman.” So, you'll just have to read it to see what the heck we're talking about.
Hana was awesome. Plus, like he said, nothing is ever what it seems and Hana seems to have IMed Micah after she dies somehow. And the answer should have a question mark at the end of the first sentence and it's bugging me. Grr...
We are beginning to see more and more evidence on 'Heroes' of a long-standing organization of powerful individuals (Kaito Nakamura, Linderman, Deveaux, etc.) manipulating events on a global scale, generally by subtly pushing pivotal people in a certain direction, or the release of important information. I'm getting the feeling that this is either directly or alluding to the Nine Unknown Men, a two-millennium old secret society devoted to the preservation of mankind, primarily from itself and the power we could potentially have. It kinda makes sense, especially with the intended focus of season 2.
Once again. The name of volume two is…
Interesting. Hm.
The following are not spoilers but are from the same interview. Mleep. >.<
A continuity mistake. Whee!
In 'The Hard Part,' Mohinder tells Molly he hadn't been born yet when his sister Shanti died, which is why his father couldn't use Mohinder's antibodies to cure his sister (like Mohinder does for Molly). But in 'Seven Minutes to Midnight,' Mohinder's mother tells him that he was two years old when Shanti died. Which one is true -- was Mohinder born while Shanti was still alive, or was he still in his mother's womb, like the picture Mohinder shows to Molly suggests?
Yes. Continuity gaffe. It happens. We apologize. We are only human and sometimes, some things do fall through the cracks.
That didn't answer the question. Womb or toddler?
Funny stuffs.
In 'The Hard Part,' when Sylar was painting the bomb with his mother's blood, there are no buildings around the bomb, but in all other bomb paintings there have always been buildings. Is this a hint of what's to come?
Over here, we're thinking he just ran out of blood to paint with - don't you hate it when you run out of blood to paint with?
Was there a beard growing error with Mohinder's beard in the episode 'Five Years Gone?' I could have sworn I saw his beard look pretty short in Nathan's Presidential Office, but then when Mohinder helped Hiro Prime by killing the Haitian, it was much fuller? So, does Mohinder have a beard growing ability that I am unaware of?
[You] must be watching in HD to see that amount of detail, because there is a discrepancy in the beards. To make our air dates, we must film multiple episodes at the same time. So, Sendil grew out his beard to film Episode 20 - then he had to shave it to shoot Episode 21, but he still had one day to shoot on Episode 20, so what do we do? We rely on our excellent make-up department to bring Sendil back to his hirsute good looks (in a really cool process that involves a vacuum). Unfortunately, we did not count on [you] to have a beard fetish and measure the length of Suresh's beard from scene to scene.
Roflmaool... xD
Just to confirm, the mention of Oregon as somewhere that's green was an intentional reference to Ellen Greene's best known role in 'Little Shop of Horrors,' right? But then, a friend of mine is now threatening to write a flik titled 'Suddenly Sylar' in response.
It's funny that you say that Tom, because on set Zach Quinto (aka Sylar) was actually singing Suddenly Sylar in his best Audrey impersonation, which, I must admit is pretty damn good. While we kept the line, because it was such a great reference to Ellen Greene's past, Aron originally wrote the line as a shout out to friends Kristen and Michael Mangan and all of their friends who live up in Portland and watch the show religiously.
I'm trying to imagine Zachary Quinto singing ... and failing miserably. xD OH and does anyone know what part they're referring too?
The inevitable Mr Muggles question: was I right to infer that Sylar was communicating with Muggles when he visited the Bennett household? Is 'talks with animals' one of his powers?
That, on the other hand is a really weird theory
Oh boy ...
Four words: Mr. Muggles Plush Doll. That is all.
Honestly people, the Mr. Muggles obsession is a little freaky. But if the people demand stuffed animals. The people will get stuffed animals.
The thought is ... cute?
Tehe. I think I may be going just a little over the top here. :P
All spoilers taken from Oh-kay, so I haven't used my palm pilot in a long time [all it does is the notepad writing thing when ELJAY is so much easier considering half the penstrokes on a palm pilot are like only half of the letter >.<] and I decided to scrap Erin on Sky Hype and put in a bio for Elle on East High, although it hasn't been accepted yet. And Ofelia was finally accepted, but I had to cut out the 'Princess of the Underworld' part [therefore I had to change the course of her history and make it so she didn't die and instead was adopted, taken to America, her adoptee died, and ended up in an orphanage before getting adopted again by Stephanie. Poor girl.] and make the creatures she sees part of a parallel dimension instead of 'magical' because 'magical' doesn't fit in a reality based RPG. >.<
On a different note, the guy I mentioned in an earlier post who constantly bugs me has started doing so less although he does occasionally walk up to me, wait for me to respond, and walk away without saying a word. It's funny and sad at the same time. That and I should e doing homework, so, toodles!
[I love that word. It reminds me of noodles. I like noodles. :D ]
[Grr, I didn't get a chance to practice piano today. And it's fun too! The song I'm learning, I mean. "We're so far away" by Mae. Totally in love with it. Alright alright, this is the last post-script. >.< ]