I think it would be interesting to see how it would be like if society was so feminist, women didn't need men anymore. Like if men were only 'bred' for their sperm, then killed. I dunno, like a reverse of Handmaid's Tale? Society would grow more if there was lack of men than if there was lack of women.
Just saying; I'm not planning on killing any men yet.
I don't like hypothetical questions. The point is to think about what you'd do, but people only say what they'd like to think they'd do. Like the old "Who would you take a bullet for?" question. Everyone says they'd take a bullet for their friends and family, but when it comes down to it, few would take a bullet for anyone. [I may have had this rant before but oh well]
If you had sex with a skitzophrenic, would it be a threesome? Or four-or-moresome?
What about someone with DID?
Oh and to one of my thoughts in a post long ago: Could a guy be his own father?
No, that's genetically impossible. It's an endless circle. And matter cannot be created or destroyed. Etc.
And a quote :
"Why are guys turned on by girls making out?"
"Because ... we can join them?"
Sigh, men.
I got my PSAT results back today :D I got 189, which is 1890 and 93 percentile. I'm happy. Although if 1890 is 93 percentile ... wow. There were a lot of really low scores taking the test this time.
In Culinary Arts, we're building a gingerbread house, only ours is a treasure box with a dragon wrapped around it. Hard to explain, but I'll bring my camera to school tomorrow and take pics of it. :D
In History, starting US's rise to take over the world and such. -.-
In Biology, more plant stuffs. Plant hormones, yay xD
In Spanish, just took the preterite vs imperfect test. I feel confident.
In Math, trig. Euch.
In Contemp, finished reading 1984 and finished filming the movie for our presentation. It's gory >:D
So pretty much it starts with a guy who's always doing the same thing. One day he does something different [doesn't tuck in his shirt and wears his hat askew] and people are shocked. He decides to not go to work one day since he's not feeling well. He goes and buys shirts that he's not supposed to wear [tshirts compared to the usual polo]. One day, he's dragged out of bed and tortured by the government people to stop being original. He gets his head dunked it water and beat up and after he's knocked unconscious, he's left on his front doorstep. Despite this, he decides he won't give up. He realizes that if he's going to be original, he'll need protection [like a gun] so he gets one. When he's picking it up, two government guys approach him and he drives off in his car [burnout scene :D]. He gets home and soon after comes yet another government guy. They face off gun to gun ["What makes you think I won't do it?" "You're shaking." *attempt to shoot* "You forgot to turn the safety off."] and when the government guy's gun doesn't work, the main character shoots him and drags him off. He returns and more government guys are there, but this time, he can't get to his gun. He is shot and dies. The government guy kicks him over and says "Where's your freedom now?" which ends the movie. I'm camerawoman and random shocked passerby.
Ooh this is gonna end up soo cool.