Alrighty, so first I'm gonna go over the episode, then post a fic. :)
But sad, cuz not only did she make him crazy, but I think that whole thing might've made her crazy too. But Gabriel and Elle were adorable nonetheless.
One thing that gets me ... what did HRG say Gabriel's power was? It didn't sound like intuitive aptitude.
Rawr, don't like Arthur. Although ever since they actually showed him sucking peoples' powers and such, I realized he probably didn't commit suicide or die of a heart attack. Although I never would have guessed that it would have been Angela to "kill" him until Linderman "told" her that Arthur planned to kill Nathan. Which was kind of weird, but I guess Linderman has more of a heart than Arthur, and hence saw the monster Arthur was becoming, what with altering Angela's mind and trying to kill Nathan.
I loved the Flint and Meredith thing. :D It really gave them both more character. :) Also, the brother-sister thing was sweet. "God gave you a big sister instead of a brain ..." Gaw. Very sweet, oddly enough. Although I do wonder what happened between then and now to make Flint a bad guy. Maybe cuz he was separated from Meredith? Will Meredith see Flint again, maybe when trying to round up the others from Level 5? Will he have a chance to become an agent, or will Meredith turn him good, or no?
Thompson was ... well I didn't realize it was Thompson at first. I thought it must've been, but then I wasn't sure. Guess it is. Anyway, Thompson was pretty cool. Like most characters in this episode, he showed himself to be more human (which I think was the point of the episode). I wonder if Meredith was bad before (stealing and such) because she thought Claire was dead. Which would explain why she stopped being bad and uh, retired to a trailer park. And also interesting how the fire Meredith started was the one Claire "walked through and didn't get burned".
Why must they kill all the Isaacs? First normal Isaac, next African Isaac ... who's next? Another Isaac from, say, Cuba? Or France?
Arthur popping up was very sudden tho. I don't think Hiro's going to die or have his power stolen; either Hiro will teleport his way out of Arthur's grip, or Ando will save him.
Heard rumors about a SyElle baby. Very excited. :D
An interesting thought to leave you with: Noah kept Future-Good-Sylar-With-Waffles "sane". As did Elle, until she let loose Trevor on him. Hmmm... maybe it's inherited? :D
Yes, another cliche masquerade Paire story. So sue me. >.<
Title: Moonlit Masquerade
Author: Me! Turkey! :D
Rating: PG probably
Pairing/Characters: Peter/Claire, Sandra,
Spoilers: If you know who Claire's parents are, no.
Warnings: Incest, but meh, it's PG-cest. Oh, and AU.
Claire never expected to be invited to a masquerade. Yet, here she was, clear as day. Well not exactly clear, seeing as she was wearing a mask. Her dress was sleeveless and black, making her pale skin and golden hair shine even more (if that was even possible) in the moonlight. Under the bust of the dress was a wide red ribbon, which tied in a bow on the back. The dress was rather long, so she had to lift it as she walked, her Dorothy-esque red slippers clicking on the stone path as she did.
She stepped up to the gate and gave it a push open. It was such a beautiful summer night that the host had decided to hold the party in his backyard. From the looks of it, said host must be a politician friend of Nathan's, she thought to herself. Although she had lost contact with the Petrellis in the past few years, she supposed they thought this a way to incorporate her back into the family. How they would spot her in a masked crowd, she didn't know. Although, come to think of it, Peter did have his mind reading ability.
Oh, Peter, she thought to herself. When she had last seen him, she was an eighteen year old girl, leaving for college. Now, she was a young woman with a college degree and a future in the veterinary field. No longer was she just a cheerleader who could heal herself; she was an adult who, someday, would heal others as well. She wondered what he was up to now. Had he returned to his nursing, or gone further in studies? Had he settled down and married, maybe had a kid, or did he even have a girlfriend? She sighed. He had always been a dreamer. Dreamers were romantics. He was probably married.
She looked around. There was an empty dance floor (the DJ hadn't arrived yet), a lot of covered tables, and a snacks table. Instead of sitting and eating, however, everyone was standing around and talking to everyone else. She looked around, spotting a few people she knew, and smiled to herself. It seemed as if very little had changed. Which, really, was just the way she liked it.
Over by the punch bowl, a tall man with dark hair stood silently, sipping red liquid from a plastic cup. His mask was dark black and covered the top half and left side of his face. Along with a navy blue button down, a skinny black tie, and black pants, his overall look was very ... dark. He watched as a golden-haired angel entered through the gate and looked around for a familiar face. She turned and faced him, and although he was too far away for her to see, he could see her clearly.
He'd recognize that round, shining face anywhere.
He watched as she walked towards the food table, and he slunk away in the opposite direction. Part of him wanted to talk to her after so many years, but part of him didn't want her to know he was here. He wanted to remain a mystery; someone she thought of and remembered the way he was; not the way he is.
You see, a lot had happened to Peter since he last saw Claire. For one, he now had a huge scar across his face, as well as a couple of others that, he felt, disfigured his face. Which is why his mask was so odd-shaped; to cover up these scars. Today, he didn't want to be Peter Petrelli: the man who screwed up and got screwed up. For once, he just wanted to be a normal guy.
Peter took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Claire was over by the pigs in a blanket, contemplating between one of those and a celery stick. He decided to approach her. He wouldn't tell her who he was, but he would try to talk to her nonetheless. He stepped up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder, hoping she wouldn't recognize him. She turned around and looked up at his face, as if trying to see it through his mask.
"Do I know you?" she asked, raising a thin, shaped eyebrow.
"I was hoping you'd be able to answer that." he said, his upper lip giving a small upward twitch that one might call a smirk.
"Alright then. Take off your mask." she said, nodding upward at his mask. He hesitated.
"You first." he said. She sighed and reached back to untie the black ribbon that held up her red mask.
After tugging at the knot, she sighed again. "I had someone tie it for me. It's too tight. Can you help untie it?" she asked. He nodded simply and after some struggle, untied the knot that sat neatly under her golden bun. He then held the mask on either side, watching a smile sprout on the two lips under it before lifting it from her face.
"... Claire..." he whispered, as if he had only just realized her identity. She nodded. Peter's eyes scoured her face. She hadn't changed at all. Then again, her power ensured that. However, looking deeper, he saw a maturity in her eyes that wasn't there when she left for college.
"And now, your turn." she said. She reached up to remove his mask, but he grabbed her wrist before it got half way up. He shook his head. "Well, how am I going to know who you are if I can't see your face?" she asked, taking her wrist back and crossing her arms.
"Well ... umm ..." he stuttered, then just stopped. How was he going to explain this? But then, she sighed, and lifted a finger and held it to his lips.
"I get it. You don't have to tell me." she said. There was a silence, and she looked down at the ground. "Besides, there's something kind of sexy about a man of mystery."
'Uh, what?' Peter thought. She thought he was sexy? But he was her uncle! ... oh wait, she didn't know that. Tonight, he was someone else. Not Peter Petrelli. Not Claire's uncle. He let loose a small smile. Claire looked back up at him. Somehow, their faces were closer now than they had been a few minutes ago. Their lips were inches away. Claire stopped moving. Peter leaned down, so she wouldn't have to stand on her tiptoes. Their lips brushed, lightly at first, then she hers pushed up. She held onto his shoulders as her lips parted, and instinctively, his did as well. Their tongues met.
"CLAIRE!" Claire pried herself away from Peter's mouth. "WHERE ARE YOU, CLAIRE?" a high female voice called out.
"I'm sorry, I have to go." she said, giving him an apologetic smile. She bit her lip. "Uh, call me? My cell number hasn't changed." she said. She then picked up her dress and walked away through the crowd, leaving Peter standing there. He looked down at Claire's red mask in his hands, his fingers tracing the black outline. How did she know he had her number?
"I'm here, mom." Claire said, stopping suddenly by Sandra's side. Sandra let out a breath and looked down at her daughter. Unlike Claire, Sandra had aged in the past few years. Despite this, she managed to age gracefully, and her shining silver dress showed this off.
"Ah, there you are. Just trying to make sure you haven't wandered off. Remember, we won't be here for long." Sandra said, fiddling with the silver mask in her hand that she had refused to put on.
"Yes, mother." Claire replied, sighing exaggeratedly. 'I'm not a child anymore.' she thought to herself. 'Even if I still look like one, must I let her treat me like one?' She rolled her eyes, now acting like the angsty teenager she once was.
"Good." Sandra gave a crinkled smile. "Now, go have fun."
Claire nodded, picked up her dress, and stepped back into the crowd. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the masked mystery man from earlier, staring at her intently. She turned and looked at him straight on. 'I know you're trying to read my mind, Peter.' she thought, smirking to herself as she watched him stumble backwards in surprise. Then, she turned and disappeared further into the crowd once more.
Rawr, haven't written fanfic in a loong time. >.<
I think I still have a Peter/Sparrow Redhouse fic somewhere to dig up.