I'm beginning to see more of Claire's transformation into her future self. And she does take after HRG too.
Is Sylar dead? Is Meredith? You can never be too sure. Meredith probably is though. They'd better bring in new characters in Volume 4 cuz so many were lost this time. They'd better bring Sparrow Redhouse. They said they would, but they haven't. And Micah.
I kind of like the darker Nathan. Better than the "OMG Jesus loves me!" Nathan anyway. -.- Although his full-out hating his brother seems a bit harsh for him.
Wonderful. Our last awesome powerless character now had powers. Way to go Ando. (Btw e-sarcasm SUCKS) At least his power is still a sidekick power though, you know? Like he's still dependent on others, otherwise, nothing. And YAY for Einstein's theory.
Hiro was cool and not helpless. I love moments when he actually does cool stuff like this, cuz otherwise, he's all comic relief.
It's really easy to see the difference between brothers in this episode. Peter saves Nathan, and Nathan send out a hunt for evolved humans (something with I didn't think they'd actually follow through with). Oh, and as soon as the part with Nathan talking to the dude in the car came up, I was like "BARACK OBAMA?!?" Which is amusing because supposedly, the scene was filmed before election day.
I love Hiro bowing and apologizing before punching Tracy. So very Hiro. See, he's cute even when he's being awesome. :P
Knox is dead too. Lots of people are dead it seems. Plus, for the first time I noticed the red lining to the people-shards and now I have a morbid want to see frozen blood.
Mohinder's scales are gone. I figure he was cut by glass when he was thrown to the experiments. When they pushed over the tub of formula, I knew it meant Mo would probably go back to normal. I do wonder what happened to his powers though, cuz he hasn't used them since he first got scaly. Also, by the beginning of this episode, I almost wanted him to die. Now yall know how much I love him, so that is definitely saying something. Although, things will never be the same...
As Meredith burns down one Company, her brother burns down the other. And, people run out to escape. Like sister like brother, I see?
Lastly, a few quotes (cuz this episode was full of them)
All these heart references ... "a broken heart", "adrenaline can kick start a dead heart"
"so far all we know is that you can pass out really well." - LOVE Daphne's sense of humor. Brea Grant is awesome.
"scrunch gently. ... maybe too gently ..." - Hiro is the comic relief even when he's not there.
"like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum" "well I'd like to give him a good spanking" - I'm halfway between 'please do' and 'wouldn't we all...'
"you helped make me into who I am. I just wanted to return the favor" - So very Sylar. He would do/say that. Really. :P
"Pigeon. Help me. I lost the formula. I failed my father. I lost my destiny. And now I'm talking to a pigeon."
I was at a comic book shop the other day and saw a Barack Obama biography comic book. And thing is, I wanted it. :P
I am currently reading Body Hot Spots: The Anatomy of Human Social Organs and Behavior by R. Dale Guthrie. Something I found through Stumbleupon. It's actually on a website. It's pretty cool, so here's the link if anyone's interested.
http://employees.csbsju.edu/lmealey/hotspots/ My Government final was pretty easy, as was my Physiology final. ARGH calc tomorrow though.
There is a wire of my braces and it's poking me. Ouch. But at least I get to not have a wire on the top for a few days, so they can do an imprint to make the mold for the abutment (tooth part) of my implant. Yay!
Also, I tried Playstation Home for the first time. The result? A rant and a poem. But I'll post that in a different post.