May 09, 2005 07:13

miami was greaT.. sux i had to come back so soon.. i definately could have spent another week or two there without complaints.. well maybe some lol..

lots of fun.. relaxing.. sleep and no sleeP..bbqs.. limo rides.. amikA..bigPink..mart..w/godfather..caRrot chicken..cincO de maYo..pS..and an incredibly cute new pup.....Mula :)

thats my LiL mo0

 n thats her firsT love <3 awwwww

couple of weeks ago.. alex's 21sT..

thats wut i have to say about my glasses and the carrot chicken ok?

godfaTher had to come n steal the showw..

stop thinking natalie lol


more pics to come? maybe...

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