Drive-by Posting: Milestones on Woodward Avenue

May 31, 2009 06:15

Well, that was the most brutal 34-hr shift I've ever had. I've slept nearly continuously since coming off yesterday afternoon and I *still* feel like I've been run over by the Calon Shield Wall. And in no physical shape to hang out with friends at St. Louis Renfest today, alas.

But to happier news. :-)

Today is the Hooding. Tuesday, at Detroit's famed Fox Theatre, the graduates will cross the stage one last time.

Sincerest congratulations to *Doctor* fortuna_juvat/inked_caduceus MD, *Doctor* spartanmd MD, and *Doctor* legeix MD, members of the Wayne State University School of Medicine Class of 2009. And warmest welcome to the ranks of the profession of medicine. :-)

I'd like to take a moment to make a particular shout-out to Kat. :-)

    A lego hospital at age 8. The "When I grown up" speech in year 4. Dressing as Florence Nightengale for Halloween. Medicine has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I don't know if I could separate the rest of my identity from my desire to be a doctor; I've never been without it.

Kat's a Geek. A proud geek. Book-loving, roleplaying, Con-going, Con- presenting, Team-Fortress-playing, corset-wearing red-headed Geekette with capital G. She's witty and funny and passionate, enthusiastic and brilliant and as many have tagged her, "Penguicon's official Hot MD". And she's wanted to be a doctor since she was a little girl.

She captured the pre-med journey in her own primary journal, at fortuna_juvat, along with her adventures in Geekdom and study abroad in Australia and all else. And when she won her seat in medicine, she began a second, parallel LiveJournal at inked_caduceus, to chronicle her story from literally the very first day of medical school.. Through basic science bookstacks and USMLE Step I and days in the life on wards, she's shared that road with us.

One of many physicians among my LiveJournal friends, she stands out as one of *the* most enthusiastic med people I know. Her twin journals capture not just the determination but the excitement with which she has tackled her medical work; for Kat, medicine has been not just a calling but a passion. More than almost any other young physician I know -- on or off LiveJournal -- life in medicine makes her happy, a life she shares with her family and friends and all kinds of geeky adventures.

I've always been in awe of her spirit and deeply admired her joie de vivre in the midst of the brutal cadence which is life in medicine. A life she has not just accepted, but pursued almost her entire life. And now today she accepts the traditional forest green velvet Hood; the robe with the triple black velvet chevrons on it's sleeves; the long white coat; the title before and the initials after the name; all the symbols of the physician which are now hers by right of achievement and conquest. She has shared with us all the entire journey from first day onto last. Today, we her readers -- we, her friends -- share in her richly-earned celebration.

She's brilliant, she's funny, she's passionate and beautiful: and today, she's a doctor. Once again, once more: heartfelt congratulations, dear *Doctor* Kat. :-)

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