Haha, we were talking about the new layout and somehow it metamorphosed to this.
LadyPirateFerret: It's all Halloweeny.
crossoutxxtheyes: especially with black
crossoutxxtheyes: i know
LadyPirateFerret: Which is my favorite holiday.
LadyPirateFerret: ^^
LadyPirateFerret: I love!
crossoutxxtheyes: i love halloween
crossoutxxtheyes: i still trick or treat
LadyPirateFerret: Me too!
crossoutxxtheyes: im gonna till im 18... heck who knows i might even keep going from there
LadyPirateFerret: I'm not supposed to, but I do.
LadyPirateFerret: I'm going to be the crazy 50-year-old who still panders the neighborhood for Snickers bars.
LadyPirateFerret: Haha
crossoutxxtheyes: haha me too
crossoutxxtheyes: we will go together
crossoutxxtheyes: since we are both old
crossoutxxtheyes: by then we can say we are kids dressed up as old people
LadyPirateFerret: By then we won't even need to walk!
LadyPirateFerret: Our electric wheelchairs or golf cart will be part of our "costume".
crossoutxxtheyes: yes
LadyPirateFerret: And we can knock out children with our oxygen tanks.
LadyPirateFerret: And steal their candy.
crossoutxxtheyes: i chose the little motorized scooters at the grocery store... whocares if by then we cant eat chocolate/candy... "the fun is in the catch"
crossoutxxtheyes: yes
LadyPirateFerret: Haha, I know.
Effin' funny shtuff.