this would be another "how the hell do i start this" kind of entry, but thankfully, i wrote my thoughts as it was more or less happening. to take a cue from julia, as i don't want to gross anyone out, i'll put this behind an lj-cut.
at 1:00 a.m., i wrote in my journal at the rennes hospital:
"i can start only by saying what i feel right now: my stomach is tired from barfing, my ass is chafed from wiping away the stream of shit that flows out every thirty minutes or so. i am writing on a hospital stretcher, underneath a banana-yellow sheet, feeling feverish, cold, tired, somewhat outraged, light-headed, and generally not jolly. but that goes without saying.
it started when i went over to marjo's, feeling a bit dizzy and upset in the stomach, but i assumed it was from lack of eating. i was bringing over a bottle of cider, and we were going to eat crêpes. we were waiting a while for another person, and i felt like i needed to put something in my stomach, so i snacked a bit before having a small glass of cider. there was a point where my stomach felt very, very bad, but it passed. we watched the last episode of "charmed," and then some people came over.
while we were talking and eating cheese, my stomach felt increasingly worse, and i felt sometimes like i had to go to the bathroom. eventually, i gave in..
and that's when it started.
there's an episode of "south park" where kenny accidentally feeds his dad a whole bottle-full of morning-after pills, and if you've seen this episode, you'll understand how my evening was. kenny's dad runs to the bathroom and alternates between having to barf and shit, jumping from one position to the other, pants still around his ankles. it's a little false as an image, because in all reality, for me, they were almost nearly.. simultaneous needs. (but i managed.)
i did this little dance three more times at marjo's before we called my host family to take me to the hospital, as i needed medicine. and of course, the situation gets only more ridiculous. my host father shows up, apparently drunk, having taken the bus route with his car.. this means that wherever we go or want to turn, there are buses blocking the way. we finally do manage to get onto a side road made for cars, but all the turns are forbidden except for one, which, when we take, we're blocked by a fucking garbage truck. and we wait, me in the back, clutching a trash bag, just in case.
and my only thought at this point was: "this fucking country..."
which is a little unfair, but i think i have the right to exaggerate right now.
so eventually, we get to the hospital, and of course it's slow, but that's expected."
i ended up waiting about 3 hours for my doctor, who confirmed what we thought: i had a "gastro," which is an intestinal infection. i ended up vomiting 8 times that night, in the span of 6 hours, all while dealing with diarrhea. i couldn't keep anything down, not even the medicine they gave me.
but now i'm fine, it's stable, and i don't really feel that sick. just a bit weak, because in the span of monday 8 p.m. to wednesday 9 a.m., i managed to keep down:water
1/2 banana
1/2 cup yogurt
and this was the same thing (only more serious this time) that i got the second day in paris. wtf france? way to make me want to stay.