i HAve reCeiVed YoUr meSSage aND i MUsT inFoRm YOu tHat I Am cuRRentLy HoLDing YOuR PreCIous sNOw HoStAGe. I sHAll RELeaSe iT LaTE on CHRisTMas EvE, AFter i HAvE REturNEd HomE FoR ThE NIGht. i HAte tHE wAy moST PeOPle dRivE When THEre iS SNow On tHe ROadS. IF yoU WiSH tO ReCEivE yOUr SnoW noW, tHEn I WIsH to ReCEivE a pLANe tIcKeT tO sOMePlaCe WarM, LIkE CanCUn.
can i get an amen up in herexstarpunk_huckxDecember 12 2003, 02:24:52 UTC
i saw conniechungmaury'sbabywhosthedaddywhereswaldo yesterday and they said to tell you to shake it like a polaroid picture..then maybe, just maybe you'll get some snow. i'd like to go sledding right now..that sounds fun..pick me up??
Comments 2
i HAve reCeiVed YoUr meSSage aND i MUsT inFoRm YOu tHat I Am cuRRentLy HoLDing YOuR PreCIous sNOw HoStAGe. I sHAll RELeaSe iT LaTE on CHRisTMas EvE, AFter i HAvE REturNEd HomE FoR ThE NIGht. i HAte tHE wAy moST PeOPle dRivE When THEre iS SNow On tHe ROadS. IF yoU WiSH tO ReCEivE yOUr SnoW noW, tHEn I WIsH to ReCEivE a pLANe tIcKeT tO sOMePlaCe WarM, LIkE CanCUn.
-tHe SNoW h8Er
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