(no subject)

Dec 30, 2008 17:18

I'm sort of unfocused this last week or so. I tend to get like that in the last few days of any month, and I'll usually take that time to step back and not play much, if at all, since it's always nice to have a sort of rejuvenation period. It's been worse this month, but that doesn't really surprise me, all things considered. On the whole, though, I'm really enjoying most of what I have happening now. You guys, I've almost been in this game three whole years. What.

Veronica Mars (neptune_sleuth)
With everything that happened to Veronica when she was in high school, she was forced to grow up fast. She'd say it was a matter of seeing the world for what it was, having the illusions drop away, but that's not entirely true. Instead of becoming more mature, she became harder. She didn't get older, she got jaded. Walls went up. She thinks of it as having had to grow up early, but behind those walls, she's still very much a young girl. She didn't confront any of her issues and deal with them; she let them fester and boil in the background, getting worse, not better. She can come off as terribly mature, but under it, she can still be very much a petulant teenager.

I had a lot of fun this month, seeing both sides of that. It's been really nice, this friendship of hers with Mathias, because it's about time I got her talking to someone new, which I think will be one of the goals I set for myself next month - getting her out more and tagging her into random posts. I stopped doing that with her, and I should change that. On the other side of the scale, though, her interactions with Jim are just so goddamn frustrating - not necessarily bad, because it's good stuff to play, but the girl can just be so maddening. She's so shut away inside herself, so convinced everyone's going to let her down. It comes off as mean and blunt and cold, when really, she's just scared and can't even say that to herself. I want to play more with that, which means more threads with Jim, and I'd like some with Pam, too, and maybe Karen (although she's so stubborn, if Karen tries to put some sense in her head, she might just bolt and go the other way). Or Shep. And everyone, really, unrelatedly, because I just love playing her. Her thread with Dan Humphrey right now is a total blast, because they have a very similar sense of humor when it comes to banter, so it's just such a lot of fun. She needs to meet more random people and hang out with people she hasn't seen in a while.

Eden McCain (wishesandsmoke)
Man, there was a point when I couldn't get her to shut up, and now we're sort of just drifting along. She has a small set of steadfast friends, and while I'd like her to meet more people, I think this works out well for her. She's less plot-driven, more little bursts of intensity - talking with Zia about his item, pulling Rupert from the river, helping Penny and Gideon through the canon puncture. She's very much about other people, less about herself these days, which I think is because she has a stronger sense of who she is. Besides, she's such a warm-hearted, mother hen type, I think she just likes having people to fuss over.

Right now, she's started volunteering in the Children's Office, and I'd really like to do something with that, though I'm not sure what. Next month, she'll be starting work on Gideon's movie, where she'll be playing the lead, opposite Jack Crew's antagonist, and that's gonna be a lot of fun for her. I really like that she's coming into her own, that she has these things to do that are for herself. For the most part, she's just a very low-key kind of pup, and I'm pretty pleased with where she is.

Meredith Grey (drownondryland)
Oh, Meredith, what to do with you? This was an extremely quiet month for her. While it's pretty much the norm for Mere to spend large chunks of time not doing much of anything and then pop up at full blast for a couple days, she was quieter than normal the last few weeks. I did next to nothing with her. I need to get back to the tags on her EP tonight. It's really just the way she is, though, so I'm not worried. I just want to make sure I do a little more with her thiscoming month, and thread her with some more new people.

Serena van der Woodsen (turnthebadinme)
Such a busy month! I think this is why Serena absorbs so much of my attention - she's the kind of pup from whom I can get both big bursts of drama, which are always such a lot of fun to play, and the kind who lends herself just as well to threads that are very light and cheerful and fun. That kind cheers me up to play. Plus she's just so social and friendly. My go-to pups for tagging new people I want to play off of tend to be her and Eden, since they're opposite ends of that same kind of openness and friendliness. Anyway, the whole UES drama this month hit her fairly hard, even if she ran off halfway through it. She and Blair made up already, though, because Serena has a really hard time holding a grudge, especially against B. That said, she's still not talking to Dan and hasn't since the fight. That may change on NYE, though I'm not sure by how much. Oh, and then there was the bit where she threatened little J. She really meant it, too, and I had a lot of fun with that very short thread; I get a real kick out of Bad Serena, mostly because I know she'll be good again later and because it's a side of her that's still there, just unaddressed. That said, by the time she could strike at Jenny the way she said she would, she'll probably have a) forgiven her, b) forgotten or c) become distracted by something else. Oh, my sweet, flighty girl.

I don't have anything planned for her coming up. Aside from not talking to the Humphreys, she's in a really good place. She misses her mom like crazy, but having Nate back in her life distracts her from that. She'll love her NDPD present and she's really happy with Beat and things are patched up with Blair, so everything's pretty good right now. I love her friendship with Lyla, and now that I'm finally watching FNL, I really want threads with Jason and Tim, too. I'd say it should be a quiet month, but who knows with her?

Ryan Atwood (neededproof)
I can't find my O.C. DVDs. This annoys me very much, as I keep wanting to pop them in and watch a bit, and I can't because I don't know where they went. Anyway, I love Ryan and he likes the island, so things are pretty good here. Except that I fell down hard on him this month. I should have EPed him earlier or later than I did, but when I got back from a couple days away, I'd just lost my place with that post and wound up dropping everything. I need to thread him off the other O.C. kids soon, as well as Lucy and O-Ren, but I'd also like for him to meet others next month. He's not exactly an outgoing guy, though, so managing that might be a bit more difficult than with the others I play. I'd like him to meet some of the others in his age group, too, like Lyra and Jenny and Arya, as well as some more threads with Bridge and the guys he plays football with. Maybe Angua, too, since she's close to O-Ren and I need new excuses to play off her.

Sarah Walker (stayastranger)
I really cannot express enough how much I love playing Sarah. There's such a lot going on under the surface with her by necessity, and getting to play how she thinks and feels against her outward reactions is such a lot of fun (although I sometimes have trouble remembering to match her icon to how she looks rather than what she's really thinking >_>). She's currently trying to piece together some kind of theory about what the hell is running this show, and she'll need to explore some more, since she's going to be trying to figure out who's controlling everything and from where. I'd also like to keep having her meet more people. She's social in a very different way from Serena, mostly because she figures the more people she meets, the more clues she gets to this place and the closer she is to finding a pattern. The fact that Sam Seaborn worked in the White House has her curious, and I'd love to have her meet more people like that. I had a lot of fun, too, playing her off of Tony Stark, so that should happen again, as well as another thread with Adam Carter (spiiiiiiiiessss). Another thing that's fun is seeing her get closer to people, bit by bit, and letting her guard slip juuust a little. Her friendship with Pam is especially great in that regard.

The Future
The only character I'm utterly set on now is Elle Bishop. Her app's been done for a few weeks, so I'm all ready for that. I'm not sure I should app anyone else after her, because seven is probably my limit, but I do have a few new possibilities in mind, all of whom have suddenly sprung up over the last few weeks. They'll all get their chances in POTF, but I'm not making any decisions about that for a long time to come, not until I'm absolutely sure I can handle another.

Right, so that's cleared away. I'm a bit sleepy and unfocused right now, so I'll probably continue to be a bit slow getting to the million and one tags in my box.

round up

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