before school_ ashwin accuses me of being a flirt. :O
science_ notes! and i checked my grade... 93% haha. and i did ok on both the tests.
english_ YAY. we finished that BORING book! call of the wild ._. errrr, i kinda sorta fell asleep every now and then, no matter how hard i tried not to, and i had to ask melissa a billion times what in the world was going on. :P rofl, sorry melissa! and omg, she never told us we would have a writing thingy on it! gr, lily told me in asb :(
chiu_ test. it was ok, i guess.
asb_ wrote our speech and practiced it. we had our info meeting for next year's asb members today, so we did a run through of how the meeting would go and who would say what. aaron wanted more "UMPH" in the speech, and then later, he chickened out and said i had to read it instead, so i did -_-
lunch_ the room was pretty crowded with new hopefuls :) and we did our meeting, it went pretty well, but then when it ended, i only had like 3 minutes left : / oh and, my speech was the cheesiest 8)
history_ read was loud. law wasnt in the room, so everyone talked and stuff. then, we got in our groups in the library to work on our president projects. i have ryan l., courtney, and kelly in my group. :)
pe_ trubey NEVER lets us run! :( so we played handball instead and lost horribly. i blame it being too hot and having to play kian's team. :P
so yesterday, it was a collaborative day, so i went home with lily after school. then stephanie shen came! oh, and happy belated birthday! :) and we talked and worked on homework until 2 [like the good girls we are O:)]. then, around 2, her mom drove the 3 of us to hopkins for the game. we came like a couple minutes earlier than the time they get out, so we hid in like, this corner until the bell rang cuz we werent sure if we could be there yet, and then everyone came out!
lily and stephanie went to meet everyone, and i looked around and i saw sahil! i was like :OOOOO! and then i ran over to him, but then i realized he was talking to his mom, so i doubled back and ran super super fast around the corner. rofl -_-. and then we met chirag! yayyy! :) rofl, sahil was like "kriti go talk to him!" -_- ahaha, hope we didnt bother you too much, chirag! but it was nice meeting you! then, at 2:30 me and sahil went into the gym and sat down near all the horner people, and the game started!
woww, everyone was so SKILLED. haha. and we just kinda all talked and stuff. chirag had to leave pretty soon. i saw jacqueline and justin there! sahil had a cell phone, which had a camera in it, and he was obsessed with taking pictures. but i made him delete every single picture of me he took cuz they were too ugly :( and lily wouldnt give me her camera either : /
then when it was like, break or something, me and sahil went outside and took a couple walks around hopkins. went over to the lockers and examined them >:) and then yeah. we kept going in and out of the gym, lol. then, he had to go around like, 4? so yeah. but gosh, i owe him so much. THANK YOUUUU! he came when i asked him to and if he hadnt, i would have been such a loner there -____- so yeah, i appreciate it!
then after he left, we went over to the soda machines. man, hopkins soda machines ROCK. rofl. i randomly pressed buttons and gave it this HUGE THUMP. and 2 bottles fell out! i was like :O then either lily or stephanie shen was all "do it again!" so i did, and ANOTHER ONE! ahahahaha, wow! then i tried another time, but i think the janitor saw me? so i had to go run in the gym O:] and then the game went on for almost another hour, and we lost, but by like, very little! we did awesome, good job you guys! and then i met christine ko? [sp?... i think! lol] if anyone has her lj username, could i please have it? then lily's mom came to pick us up, and she dropped me home. thanks lily, for taking me! :)
and yes, thats all... i think! see you guys later :)