turquoise_stone may explode without warningM
Go-Quiz.com OMG!!!
Your Icecream Flavour is...Chocolate!
You are the all time favorite, chocolate! Turning white kids black since the 1800s. Staining carpets, car seats, and bed sheets for centuries. One thing is for sure, you will never go out of style. You can't go wrong with chocolate!
What is your Icecream Flavour? Find out at
Go Quiz lillikira
turquoise_stoneFriendship Level: 51%
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turquoise_stoneFriendship Level: 17%
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turquoise_stoneFriendship Level: 69%
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Go-Quiz.com Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]You are
You're pretty cool! People look at you and think.. 'wow.. that person is cool!' Congratulations. Use your position wisely and teach the dorks below you a thing or two. There's nothing like recruiting a cool person.
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Go-Quiz.com How to make a turquoise_stone
3 parts success
5 parts silliness
5 parts energy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little emotion if desired!
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