Now that I have missed out on half of my twenties because of being bedridden for most of it until 29, I am feeling like I want to go out and do things that are only "ok" for twenty-somethings to do, like go out and party and dance all night at dances and stuff.
SIGH. It is frustrating that, after thirty, it feels like you're supposed to "grow up" and not have fun anymore except for homebody-type stuff. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy homebody stuff. However, when it's the only option for years when you would have preferred doing a mixture of both homebody stuff and out-and-about stuff, it sucks being stuck with no choice except to try and stay alive. I was joking with a joke recently, adulting is becoming excited to go to the grocery store... not much of a joke for someone like me who doesn't hardly get out of the house anymore because the husband does not going grocery shopping very often. I don't want to lose all the muscle I gained through having to go grocery shopping by myself the last few years, but it is inevitable to some degree. :/ I will be trying to do some yoga and other simple exercises to keep at least a base of muscle for every day stuff. I don't ever want to be too tired to go anywhere after getting dressed again (yes, my body got that bad after my bout with sinus infections for 8 months in a row in 2012). I will, also, be taking walks multiple times a day to get some sort of ability to do more than go out to the grocery store and back, then need to lay down again. Having a sinus infection for six months a year ago did not do good things for me or my mom. I miss her, but at least she's not suffering anymore. Back to the subject at hand, I also need to make sure I sit up for at least a few hours every day a couple times throughout the day, so I don't lose that stamina either. Gotta remind myself of all the muscle weakness problems I overcame back by 2016, when I started going out again. I had a sinus infection for two months and two weeks and two weeks ago, two days after it ended, it came back again, so I am still sick atm. SIGH. Doctor, here I come. I also miss being able to spend time with people... the end, for now.