Title: Give Them Blood (gallons of the stuff)
Author: turquoisetumult
Rating: PG?
Word Count: 350
Characters/Pairings: Charlie, mentions of Claire
Genre: General.
Disclaimer: I don't own Lost or its characters.
Warning: This is unbeta-ed. But it should be a-okay to read considering English is my first language and all... Nevertheless, even though I reread it, if someone notices a mistake (typo or other), let me know and I’ll fix it.
This Charlie icon; chosen by
jemmalynette Summary: Truth is that while Charlie can stand seeing a few drops of blood, too much makes him queasy. --Some character insight on Charlie’s reasoning for enduring the torture in “Through the Looking Glass.”--
Truth is that while Charlie can stand seeing a few drops of blood (he can handle nosebleeds and pricked fingers), too much makes him queasy.
He’s actually gotten good at dealing with it; Charlie remembers Boone’s insides on the outside (Jack maneuvering surgical instruments like they were an extended part of him); he remembers Claire giving birth to Aaron (and Charlie keeping somewhat of a distance; part of it due to giving Kate the space she needed, part of it due to embarrassment of seeing Claire naked before they’d even kiss, but mostly he didn’t want to test how much blood he would need to see before fainting in front of the woman he loves - who is doing something far braver than merely witnessing a birth).
Charlie’s mother wanted him to be a successful doctor (Save us, Charlie. Save us, the words of his past ring in his ears like an inescapable aggravating TV jingle.), but despite the copious amount of biology courses he took in school, he could never follow through on the plan. He wagered that no one would employ a doctor who vomits over open sores and rivers of flowing blood.
But this, this fuming blonde woman punching him across the face demanding answers to simple questions (that have actually become quite complicated since Ben’s introduction to the Oceanic 815 passengers), doesn’t bother him much.
He’s not really sure why this is. The petite blonde, as small as she is, hits with the strength of a dozen trained pugilists. And he hasn’t eaten in a while. And, you know, apparently if he doesn’t crack the code, the whole station could flood, or the island could blow up, or they’ll never get rescued and slowly turn to cannibalism, or who-the-bloody-hell-knows anymore.
He doesn’t know any soddin’ thing, but one.
He knows that if he is pushes a single button, Claire gets to go home with Aaron, the fast-growing baby boy nestled in her delicate arms (even if Charlie’s not with them).
And for Charlie, that’s worth all the blood loss and subsequent nausea and unconsciousness in the world.
A/N: Feedback is highly appreciated, whether it's complimentary or constructively critical. Thanks! Hope you all enjoyed the ficlet.