I attmpted to post this last night but it didn't go. Despite coming down with a cold which has resulted in both ears being infected I feel I had a full week.
I got Flora out for several routes where we went and what I thought behind the cut
We did the shopping center 3 times on 3 different days. It was the first route we did upon getting home. She had a wonderful first route. On second trip which was Monday she showed some hesetation approaching and making decisions about obstacles, but with encouragement she did the right thing each time. There were several reworks for tripping me on grass growing up through the sidewalk and 1 for bumping me in to a poll, but I was pleased. Third route there was more sniffing than previously probably do to the recent rain. Verbal reminders did the trick only needing one correction though it was a good one. She sure snapped back to attention "oh crap! I forgot I get corrected for that!" LOL I was with Donna the service dog puppy raiser. It was good to have her telling me that things were coming up like trash cans so I could be prepared with a well timed leave it. Until this route we had only been doing 1 side of the shopping center as to get to the other there's a wierd offset crossing. i decided to show it to Flora. We crossed it once sighted and then I asked her to it. She need a verbal reminder to start going right, but did really really good for a first time, and found the curb coming back with no trouble. She even turned to head for home without me saying anything. I do not know if we'll ever get that crossing down well. Neither Ellie nor Radar did, and we don't go over there for any shopping, almost everything is closed over there, but if she can get it it would be nice to sometimes lenghtening the walk by a block if I wanted too.
We also did the pine route which is sidewalkless and she did very very well a bit of veering but rarely very far out.She is a bit dog and people distracted but nothing I can't handle. Something to work on though.
We also attended church and went to the doctor. we will be doing both things again next week and adding awana on Sunday. We also went to school 1 day which was today. Flora was very calm around the kids. I didn't allow any petting and she just lay down beside my chair and chilled even with a ll the busyness of a first grade. A kid even fell on her and she didn't move.