Title: Malaise
Pairing: broken!KyuSung (Kyuhyun x Yesung), ninja!Yesica (Yesung x Jessica)
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, dystopia!AU
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the people mentioned in this. Unfortunately.
Summary: Love is a disease (not to mention illegal) and they have a cure for it.
10 Settings Challenge: #7 - Mountains
Kyuhyun's heart started to feel numb after so much hurt. )
Comments 41
even more so since it's the last in the challenge.
Aww I'm sorry it made you cry :'(
It's okay! I'm going to find some other fun challenge...maybe? Haha xP
Thanks for reading & commenting! <3
I have a love/hate relationship with the genre too :(:( It's really interesting as a writer to try and explore the emotions in angst, but at the same time it's so freaking depressing -.- And yes, the damn thing is the genre you write best <3 I love the angst you write aha.
Jongwoon's being the rational one whereas Kyuhyun's being the emotional one. I don't know...even though it's angst, I couldn't bear the thought of my OTP not being in love with each other *delusional fangirl mode*
I just randomly paired Yesung up with Jessica because of the recent Gayo Daejun stage. I actually quite like Yuri too - there are some fancams where Yesung trolls teases Yuri, which I thought were really cute (since it shows their somewhat close relationship ( ... )
Why they can't be together?? Ahhh, sick society!!!
And Yesung still can't forget Kyu even though he's gone through surgery. I supposed Kyu will have the same result. Since their love for each other is so big.
Ah, sad,,,sad,,,sad
And yeah, it'll probably be hard for Kyu to forget Yesung. But they'll make the best of their situation and continue to be strong ^^
Thanks so much for reading & commenting!
I'll write some fluff later to make up for it... <3
even though this is angst >.<
*sigh* why does society have to be so cruel? :((
but at least kyuhyun's gonna be cured soon..... but JW still loves him ;___;
Yeah...angst. I have a love/hate relationship with the genre :(
In my mind, they'll still love each other, but believe the other is "cured" ;_; And they'll be able to live normally in society if they pretend that they don't care anymore. Jongwoon was being rational when he made the decision to leave.
Thanks for reading & commenting as per usual <3
Lots of love!
AND, sorry I forgot one other thing on the way.
Is "Malaise" an English word as well? :D Because it's a French word too at least ~ and it's funny to see it here :)
Haha, Yes I knew you were a cloud. But even though it didn't feel like your writings were so much biased towards Jongwoon? or is it just me who's blind? x'D
Ow I see. :D I'll tell you when I'll read this. but I'm not sure it will be really soon because of many things, but I'll definitely read it in the end. <3
( Yes, it is :) . Did you read it? <3 )
Ah, actually it's not that I don't like happy endings. It's more like, I really don't like happy ending which are plain and vapid (wow I just learnt a new word), and as it's more difficult to make an happy ending just right, not as "ohmygodangelsareflyingandsendingloveandheartshapeeverywhereintheworld", it's often happy vapid plain ending. But yours are just so sweet and right, so I love them so much <3
I see I see. I understand. It's even more romantic and heartbreaking that way
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