Title: Needlework
Pairing: KyuSung (Kyuhyun x Yesung)
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Kyuhyun can’t forget Jongwoon, even though 22 months and 19 days has passed since they broke up.
A flood of memories comes rushing back as time stands still. )
Comments 45
i can't think of any better words, I love the angst... the way that they are truly made for each other... the way that they couldn't forget each other... the way their..... soul mates ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
and I love you for writing this awesome angst story, and I'm glad you put slight fluff memories in the middle of the angst, tehee.
I'm so glad you liked it! I'm a sucker for fluff, so it was inevitable that there was going to be some in there xD
Thanks for reading & commenting!
Will read on the weekenend or when I got a free time^^
when I was reading this yesterday at our school I'm teary-eyed and my friends and schoolmates are looking at me weirdly!
They even asked me if there is something wrong... I'm so affected by my OTP..
They broke up.... even though they still love each other....
Ddangkoma as the symbol of their love FTW!
why is this bitter-sweet? I read this 3 times.... the first one reading the whole thing... second... reading the flashbacks and third reading the whole thing again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
their love for each other... so perfect.... I'm so ASDFGHJKASDFGHJKDFG
They are soul mates... ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ*gosh I need to have a life and find my soul mate too..*
You made me CRY NANA!!! in a good way... hehehehe!
the fic is so great~
ok... back to doing the drabbles... I'll just study later tonight XD
they are really stupid! But at least it is not late to realize they need each other~ let their love be everlasting!
I love you Nana!
i thought it's about the sleeping beauty because of the word needle~! LOL at me
*hugs Rhen*
Haha this was what I came up with when I was stuck at an airport listening to an angsty playlist of music. (I'm being a little lazy with the fairytales...HanChul's next so...it doesn't motivate me as much as YeKyu, but I will get it done! *nods* ..eventually)
Of course they're soulmates!!! <3 Our OTP is definitely meant to be together hehe ^^
They'll be together because they have a second chance xD
Yay drabbles - I'm excited :D:D <3
Love you too Rhen!
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