Title: Subtle Visitor (you arrive in the flower and the water.)
Pairing: Kyuhyun x Yesung (KyuSung, YeKyu)
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Fantasy
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the gorgeous men in this fic or the beautiful, beautiful poetry of Pablo Neruda. I own everything else though.
Summary: Sometimes fantasies are much more romantic than reality
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Comments 14
With the seriousness aside I will allow the fangirl to come out...OMG Kyusung is so cute!! *dies* Why on earth are they so precious?? Seriously more people need to ship these guys...why can't they see how amazing they could be together even if its just a bromance?? I really thank you for this.If Kyusung is to grow it needs writers like you..♥♥♥ this .. :)
Thank you so much for the praise - I still have a lot to learn though, and there are many writers out there who are better than me. I'm glad that you enjoy my works though! And I'm glad that they're thought provoking too (yes I accomplished something!)
Haha I totally agree about how people should ship Kyusung more! I was a little sad that there were so little writers out there for this pairing, which is why I started writing :P They're so precious. It's a pity that other pairings overshadow this one.
Thanks so much for your comment ^^ It means a lot to me ♥
Its rare to have Kyuhyun portrayed as a dreamer, but I like it since I like Yekyu XD And aww. Yesung actually creating a make believe scene for him. haha.
It didn’t matter that the fantasies that Kyuhun creates about the two of them aren’t true. All that matters to Kyuhyun is that Jongwoon is real.
This is so true. But for poor souls like me, we make do with fantasies for the time being :')
It's rare? :P I'm kinda glad - I love being the odd one out xD
I feel like Kyuhyun really wants romanticism and the whole idea of "destiny" with the girl he one day will date (I try not to think about it too much...LOL), so that's the idea I tried to incorporate into this fic.
You and I both. I'm still living in my little fantasy world haha :P
Thanks for commenting ^^
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