Title: Starlight is Falling
Pairing: YeKyu/KyuSung
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Disclaimer: Don't own the boys, or else they'd be in holding a private Super Show 4 for me now.
Summary: What-ifs, alternate realities and a lot of speculation. But Jongwoon ultimately "proves" to Kyuhyun that loves always finds a way.
Happy birthday
allspecialsmile! ♥
“Do you think we would’ve met and fallen in love if I didn’t join Super Junior six years ago?” )
Comments 16
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I like the way Kyu prompts a number of question about what-ifs situation, but they all end up the same. Because they are meant to meet each other and love each other XD
But why does Kyu have to think so much XD. There is no "if" in this world. They already met and fell in love with each other, that's what important XD. That's why I ship them hahaha
I totally agree - what matters is what has already happened, but I guess there's always that part of you that thinks "what-if?" And knowing Kyu, and his whole love for destiny, I think he would love the idea that no matter what happened, they'd meet up somehow :P
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