Title: What is Love?
Pairing: YeKyu/KyuSung
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Disclaimer: Don't own anything other than the writing and the kinda weird plot.
Summary: Jongwoon never expresses what he feels, and Kyuhyun starts to doubt Jongwoon’s love for him. That is, until Hyukjae and Donghae suddenly pop up one night…in tutus.
Happy birthday
“We’re not the real Hyukjae and Donghae. We’re just manifestations of your mind to come and put your worries at rest. So would you like our help?” )
Comments 17
The memories were beautiful. Especially the accident, I wanted to cry. And the cherry blossoms...I love cherry blossoms. That scene was so cute ♥
"Kyuhyun shakes his head while Hyukjae dances next to Jongwoon" OMG hahaha XD
And I loved the end. The last sentence is priceless <3 I really laughed XDD I was like "......what ?!" XDD
This story was really cute. And funny. Thank you :D ♥♥♥
*secretly waiting for your next one*
Aw I'm glad you liked the memories (& the fic!) ♥ :)
I don't know when my next one will be (at the earliest it'd be in July) - since I'm going travelling with family for the next two weeks. Hopefully it won't be too long though, since I have the whole summer :D
And can I just love how much warm fuzzles you give me when you show so much love for my fics? You're awesome ♥
aw... poor baby Kyu! but good thing Hae and Hyuk helped him! hahahaha! I love them! their so adorable!
I love the idea of travelling back to KyuSung's memories... how sweet! I always love fics that gives the POV of both characters of what's happening!
NANA's a SNEAKY VIP and OTAKU!!!! he made Jongwoon sing Sunset Glow!!! Ah- Ah- Ah- Ah- and the cherry blossom!!!!!!!! I CAUGHT YOU!!!! bwahahahahaha
yay! I love the moral lesson! (THE ENDING IS REALLY EPIC!!!)
totally agrees with the rant! *cheers!*
lol sorry for the spazzing and all XD
Thank you for this new fic Nana!
Oh yeah, you betcha I'm being a sneaky VIP :D I neglect my Big Bang boys way too much and I show much more love for SJ and Infinite :P But it's okay, I'm making it up to them by featuring them here xD And cherry blossoms are ♥ hehehehe. Okay okay, you caught me xD
Hehe Rhen you're so adorable xD ILU~ ♥
Thanks for commenting & just being awesome in general :) I'm glad you liked the fic hehe. There were times where i was like "what on earth am I writing..." so I'm glad you guys liked it xD
Kyuhyun's flashbacks are so sweet X3
I believe that there're no 'man' or 'woman' in a relationship, too. I do believe in the dominance in relationship, though.
thank you for writing this ^^
I'm glad you liked it! And agree with my whole rant about it - I've seen a lot of people making a big deal about who the woman is in a gay relationship so... yeah. Being the feminist I am, I dislike it when people refer to it as being a woman haha
Kyuhyun as the woman in the relationship? BAHAHAHAHAA XD That was amusing partly cos I have a preference for top!Ye lol. But I do agree with your note at the end. It's not something fixed and it's stupid to stereotype people like that. And I agree about women, too, cos I'm alse one of those emotionally detached ones. I'd totally suck at expressing my feelings in words ( ... )
BB I love your spazzes on my fics. They do great things for my ego <3 & you're not the only one who sucks at expressing emotion. We're alike in that respect haha.
Your figurative retinas aren't the only ones that imploded. I think mine had a temporary shutdown xD But I can totally imagine them wearing those clothes after Oppa Oppa promotions.
Hahaha I figured that how they were able to go through the memories weren't as important as why they took him down that little trip :) Priorities, m'dear.
You need to! Write fluff I mean, and stop torturing the two of them with all your angst. Although there were parts of your fic that make me bask in all the sweetness - you tend to show the fluff through small actions (which I absolutely adore). And trust me love, I'm not as inspiring as you are!
(And...btw I just heard from Lisa - my deepest condolences...if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you - I just feel bad that I was away when it happened >< We missed each other by a few days...)
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