http://community.livejournal.com/fandomsecrets/426470.html?thread=242868710#t242868710 I don't want this to be true, but I honestly suspect...
It will be.
If there is no touda look-alike, I really will cry from wasted opportunity. kidding. (sorta.)
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Comments 21
Also, lol, the comment where someone says "STOP LYING, AZULA" made it for me. I'm awful, I know.
The only thing I thought I'd throw out there... I could see how they could justify Zuko being younger--unfortunately. Figure, bending was recognized at a young age, but not at THAT young of an age. Azula might be brilliant but even she wasn't firebending at two. She's female, they'd probably still want a MALE heir to the throne, they wouldn't even know if she'd BE a bender yet... So voila, Zuko still has a chance to be born. Know what I mean? |:
Also, I apologize profusely if you hate my interpretation of Katara. D: *always feels incredibly paranoid when people love canon chars so much*
That could be because Ozai's scary as all hell and so is azula, but still.
I generally let my Kaytay love simmer on a backburner. xD; I don't hate your interpretation. I honestly don't worry about characterization too much if I'm not directly working with it, although recently I wept a little over someone bastardizing a minor character in the series. It was like: We only get x time with the character, and you choose to ignore one of the FEW traits he/she displays? WHAT.
Like, it's not my job to be katara!characterization police. And I think as long as her equal balance of overbearing and awesome is kept a la Booterfreaks "KATARA IS A C-NT." parody then all will be well. She's pretty 3-d, so... it's a lot to work with. xD
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a377/BooterFreak123/SmallVertKataraComiccopy.gif?t=1200636597 And to this day, the sarcasm of booter_freak always makes me laugh, because there were so many other people who DID act like Katara was not awesome at all.
I love you for the Tropery. And the opinion. Now someone mail this to Paramount. :I
Thanks Turd.
( ... )
You could watch the show without shipping any of the major ships (Sokka gets shipped a lot, but his ships are pretty well done, actually) too hard/have it all be secondary. The show would largely be just as amazing without most of the shipping/ships.
Shipping!fail is something unavoidable, in any fandom. I shipped something that wasn't canon, but had a HUGE fandom following that got poked at by the creators and was given fuel by the animators (like, they made fanarts for it, it was pretty cool). I still (besides a choice few moments) loved it. It's a YMMV thing. I actually didn't rant about my ship or the other ships, because when done right? I'd probably still love the REST of the movie, and only marginally go: "Well, I still preferred _____, but good show ( ... )
Nothing at all.
And this..makes baby buddah weep. :(
(By the way, followed a trail of links to your lj. Hope you don't mind.) :)
I made this un-friends locked because omg. Everyone can agree the fail is strong even if they have differing opinions on the racial casting.
It makes me weep too. :(
Can I ask where you link jumped from? 8D? if you even remember... xD
I would friend you, but I can't see your journal. xD LJ is the ONE place where I didn't think to lie about my age... (so in about 5 months, I'll go look. xD)
I can change that, actually. Though I'm not sure how exciting it is, it's mostly me bitching about house reno's and...bitching. You can add me back if you like, I am old and boring, though. And have sailormouth issues. :o
I'ma changing it anyway, just because I can. xp It now has 'adult concepts' which is a bit more truthful anyway.
And Touda IS cannon.
I drink deeply of the well-of-delusion, so it's all good. :)
I started in katara_zuko to check out the drabble thing, got to other journals and you were one of the few that wasn't friend's locked entirely. I think. Pretty sure, anyway ;)
It's cool. I'm young and whiny, so clearly it's a gud match. XD
Touda is just...touda. xD To further the joke that he's 'canon' we say he's this guy: http://iroh.org/screencaps/ep56/ep56-778.png who got tossed overboard during Katara rage. Haha.
I'm unsure if I'd like/enjoy Zuko having bffs in the movie, however. Mainly because, like I ranted about and like other people said, it takes away from the reasoning WHY he was such a good person, WHY he should be firelord, why he really cared about his family, etc. I mean, played right, I can see him having a friend or two, but throwing a fit in the war room because of his friends being put in danger? It makes him a good friend, but not a good leader, necessarily.
I'd be more "wait and see" but I have a feeling it'll suck.
All we can really do is wait for it to hit the theaters.
But I could have been marginally okay to look past the racefail and watch the film if I wasn't being told that the script itself sucks. If the visuals are really that stunning, it's possible it'll be a hit just like the other Avatar, but it doesn't look like it'll be very good because of the story.
Frankly, the show was visually stunning, but what mattered was the plot.
That actually makes a lot of sense. I don't want it to look like the movie couldn't be saved at all, I want it to look like "You know this was great, too bad they failed in the casting department."
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