So I'm back in America and have already gone to one con - Katsucon. There, I got to try out Yazoo for the first time. I started working on him in Japan, but didn't finish him until I got back here. It looks WAY better than it felt like it looked. Pics under the cut.
All in all, I'm so glad to finally be done with Yazoo. It actually was pretty uncomfortable to wear too. Even in winter, that pleather gets HOT. But the bottom is open. So half of me was freezing, half was sweating like crazy and all of me was slightly dehydrated. All that said, I wasn't feeling awesome when I had the costume on. So I'm really pleasantly surprized with how the pictures came out.
I'll update again soon with a new costume I'm working on for Anime Next and Otakon and some junk from Katsucon.