With July 4 approaching, thoughts of independence begin emerging -- not just traditional "Thehomeofthefreeandthebrave" independence, but the more personalized version. It's common knowledge that nobody's really free (although I guess plenty of our countrymen have convinced themselves that they're 'living free or dying' buhgawd).
There are apparently some truly brave souls about (myself probably not included) who have learned that their degree of freedom/independence is linked directly to their willingness to pay for it. Is it possible that the more obstacles one has encountered, - and occasionally overcome - the more likely one is to choose the more difficult route that leads to relative independence? That seems be the key to a large percentage of our current society's ills. No small number of us baby boomers have cruised fairly easily thru life, taking traditional routes that leave us dependent on lots of things we take for granted: obvious things like technology, easy transportation, social institutions.
The thing is, very few of us have actually experienced actual independence and the hard choices involved in approaching it. How much longer can we float in the delusional bubble? I guess I'm just saying "hats off" to those who are trying to tough it out. And may some happiness and satisfaction be the result.