Boys Like Girls icon tutorial.
Uses Exclusion & Layers.
Made in PSP XI, but easily translatable.
1. Pick the image you want to work with. I chose a picture of Boys Like Girls.
2. Crop and resize your image to 100x100 pixels. Sharpen if needed.
Now you have this:
3. Duplicate your base. Set it to screen 100%.
4. Make a new layer. Fill it with #131645
and set it to exclusion 100%.
Now your image should look like this:
5. Make another layer. Fill it with #C4D0F4
and set it to burn 100%.
Now you have this:
6. Make a new layer. Fill it with #F6D8F5
and set it to burn 100%.
Now you should have this:
7. Make one more layer. Fill it with #D4DBF6
and set it to multiply 100%.
Your icon should look like this:
8. Merge all layers.
9. Go to Image > Add Borders ...
Choose the color white (you can choose a beige-ish color if you want) and set the height & width to 1 pixel each. & that's it! Your icon is done and it looks like this:
(you can't really see the border now, but on a color page it shows.)
Enjoy this tutorial & show me what you've done!
Other icons made with this tutorial: