Your day was horrible because you didn't see enough of me! We must correct that tomorrow :p
I'm glad the exam went ok. That's the hardest of the AS gen studies exams, so you'll be fine for the others.
Don't work too hard. There's no point getting yourself worked up over all of it, because it really wont do you any good. Internet time and breaks are good. I also recommend as much chocolate and cake as you can eat. And tea.
gah your drive home does sound awful :S at least it wasnt u involved in a crash tho <3
well done on the exam! see, u did a load of geog work that wasnt needed, but other geog work that you'd done helped you in the exam. so not all is lost! the fact i actually screwed up isn't much use though :P
yeh, lj is such a fabulous distraction. and its obvious your thinkin of afi like niki is ^o) i worry about that girl
i havn't got a clue what on earth your last paragraph is about. cryptic kitty. cryptic.
*doesnt want to revise and plans to fail her mock**no change there then...*
Comments 6
Your day was horrible because you didn't see enough of me! We must correct that tomorrow :p
I'm glad the exam went ok. That's the hardest of the AS gen studies exams, so you'll be fine for the others.
Don't work too hard. There's no point getting yourself worked up over all of it, because it really wont do you any good. Internet time and breaks are good. I also recommend as much chocolate and cake as you can eat. And tea.
ps. AFI :D ♥
And yes, tomorrow you can see me lots ;) And wednesday, and thursday and friday... hehe.
If I have internet, tea, chocolate, cake and forget the work, I shall be happy, hehe... That would be good! :D
well done on the exam! see, u did a load of geog work that wasnt needed, but other geog work that you'd done helped you in the exam. so not all is lost! the fact i actually screwed up isn't much use though :P
yeh, lj is such a fabulous distraction. and its obvious your thinkin of afi like niki is ^o) i worry about that girl
i havn't got a clue what on earth your last paragraph is about. cryptic kitty. cryptic.
*doesnt want to revise and plans to fail her mock**no change there then...*
Just another 5 General Studies exams to go, joy! :p
I just keep staring into space... not a lot of work being done, haha. Clever? And I have to have a shower tonight, oh well, no school work :D
You going into town tomorrow after school?
Hehe, the word makes me chuckle :D
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