Name - Taylor
AIM Name - pivlywhip
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Name - Ahiru
Fandom - Princess Tutu
Canon Point - Post Series
Age - 14 (this is fanon as ages are never actually stated)
Gender - Female
Appearance -
As a human Ahiru is very short at only 4'11". Her orange-pink hair (I'd call the color salmon) is about as long as she is tall, and is usually held back in a long braid. She has one large cowlick on the very top of her head, and a smattering of freckles across her face.
Her bright blue eyes are one of few traits that carries over unchanged from her duck form to her human form. The cowlick she has as a human is mirrored in her duck body in the form of one large feather sticking up from her head. Ahiru is a small, bright yellow duck. She is incredibly expressive in both forms, and tends to flail around when she speaks. This is useful when a duck as she can not speak, only mime.
Personality -
Ahiru is incredibly naïve. She is rather clueless and a little stupid. She often acts without fully considering the consequences of her actions. Ahiru is excitable, and tends to speak first and think about what she's saying later, especially when she's flustered. Her stumbling through life seems to physically manifest in her extreme clumsiness (though this can also be attributed to the fact that she is really a duck who was turned into a girl) and in her inability to get anywhere on time (she is always either very late or very early.) Despite all this it is very hard to dislike Ahiru because she never does anything with malicious intent.
Ahiru is an incredibly selfless and trusting person. She will go above and beyond to protect the people she loves and even people she has just met. Ahiru puts her heart into everything does and always means well. More than that she is incredibly, stubbornly loyal. If Ahiru thinks of you as a friend, if she sees some good in you, then nothing will change her mind. She will always support, and believe in her friends even if they can't seem to believe in themselves anymore.
Ahiru will do anything for her friends, even if it puts her own life at risk. She is selfless to the point of almost seeming to have no self preservation instinct. It isn't that she doesn't value her own life or that she wants to get hurt, its just that she doesn't think. She gets so focused on the well being of others that she forgets to take care of herself. Ahiru for all her optimism, is often plagued by insecurity. Though she can always believe in others sometimes she loses faith in her own abilities. For nearly the entire series Ahiru is plagued by insecurities over her own identity and about who she really is (due to her ability to switch between three distinctly different forms, not only in appearance but also in their abilities.) By the end of the series she accepts that her true self is a duck, and returns to this form. Coming to the carnival will reawaken her old doubts. As she struggles between her belief that sooner or later she will have to return to her true form, and her desire to remain a girl she will have to discover what it really means to be your true self. Originally her fear of returning to her duck form was in part due to her larger fear of being forgotten. Ahiru's greatest fear is that she will be forgotten, and left alone. These fears will gain new life now that she really is alone, and has been separated from the person who promised to “stay by her side forever.” For all her faults and insecurities Ahiru is a good person. Her naivety, and brashness are tempered by her selflessness, kindness, and her ability to see the good in everyone.
History -
Once upon a time, a man died. Head canon: Ahiru was somehow influenced by Fakir's spinner abilities long before the series started when Fakir was just a boy. Maybe he wrote a story about a duck, or there was a duck in one of his stories. Maybe the young spinner simply told a little duckling stories, but somehow Ahiru was involved. She is apparently the only animal (rather than Animal) with some sort of sentience or intelligence beyond what one would expect from a duck, and she is the only person Fakir's powers are able to effect including within Drosselmeyer's own realm.
It's also implied in the end credits that everyone left in Golden Crown besides Fakir, and perhaps Autor have forgotten all about the events of the story, including Ahiru. I'm taking this to be true.
Canon point: It's been a month since the story ended. The Prince and Princess have ridden off into the sunset on their flying carriage pulled by two white swans and Ahiru is living as a duck again. It isn't an awful life, Fakir has kept his promise and takes care of her. He's always writing on the dock as she swims in her little lake. It's a simple life, and its not happily ever after but its far better than what could have been if Drosselmeyer had gotten his way. And when the fact that none of her other friends even remembers she ever existed gets hard to deal with she'll go wander around the town remembering the short time she got to be human and study ballet.
Skills/Abilities/Powers - Ahiru can turn into a duck, or more accurately she is a duck that can turn into a girl. When in human form if she quacks she'll turn back into a duck, and water will turn her into a girl again. Since her clothing doesn't change with her, awkwardness tends to ensue when she turns back into a girl. During the series the pendant that turned her into a girl could also allow her to become Princess Tutu, a character from the story "The Prince and the Raven" who was a Prima Ballerina.
Power Restrictions - While Ahiru can still switch between her duck and human form at will she can no longer become Princess Tutu. Beyond that her transformations are already severely limited, and usually just cause awkwardness for her anyway.
Job - Ahiru feeds the animals when she isn't part of the petting zoo herself.
First Person Sample (Communicator, Bulletin, or Mirror) -
[Communicator post]
[The girl's voice sounds confused, and rather concerned.]
Um, Hello? Am I using this- um whatever it is, thing right? I've never seen one before but I heard someone talking out of it before so I thought maybe I could too, but I'm not really sure if I'm doing this right.
[She laughs nervously, after taking a break from her run on sentence.]
Oh! Right, um, so I was wondering if someone knew where I could maybe find some clothes?
[There is more nervous laughter.]
Third Person Sample (Log) -
Swimming along in her pond Ahiru sighed, or at least did as close to a sigh as a duck could manage. Charon insisted that she would be alright in her pond and so Fakir had been forced to leave her outside. She knew he wanted to find a way to sneak her inside, but she really didn't mind the pond. Ducks were meant to live in ponds after all. Raising a wing to touch her feathered face Ahiru looked at her reflect in the water. This was her real self, she knew that, but there had been a time when she'd been a girl. She had, had friends and studied ballet. It had been wonderful, even if she'd never really gotten to try to use a pair of toe-shoes.
Ahiru wondered what Pique and Lillie were up to. Were they still studying ballet? Did they miss-- She splashed around a bit, trying to banish the thought. Fakir had already reported the sad truth to her, no one remembered her, or anything else about the story. That was all her human self had been, a part of the story. Ahiru flapped her wings, shaking her small body free of the water still clinging to her as she left the pond.
Most of the time it didn't bother her that she was a duck again. Fakir had kept his promise, and her friends were all safe and happy. And they had even managed to give the story a happy ending and free the town from Drosselmeyer's control! What more could she possibly ask for? Sure sometimes she missed dancing, and laughing and talking, but this was the real her, this was how things were supposed to be. She knew this mood would pass, it always did, but for now she'd just wander around trying to distract herself. It was as she was making her way toward the town that she saw it.
Or rather saw her. Ahiru quacked loudly in shock, rubbing her eyes. Miss Edel?! Had she really just seen-? But that was impossible! Her friend had been burned up, what was left of the kind puppet used to make Uzura. So how could she have possibly seen her walking around? Despite the apparent impossibility of it Ahiru rushed after her. After all if she was back then could that mean the story was starting again? The little duck didn't notice at first that she had run through the gates proudly proclaiming 'Carnival of Rust' and by the time she did, well, it was already too late.
Any Other Details We Should Know The manga does not exist. There is no manga, just like there isn't a third Matrix movie. And if anyone tries to claim otherwise they are horrible rotten liars.