Stamped; Heart Shards Theme

Nov 27, 2007 14:55

Name: Erica
Age: 21
Gender: Female

What do you like most about yourself? I like my desire to learn. There's so many things I want to learn, whether academically or just for a hobby. I know I'll probably never get around to them all, but I'll always have something I'm curious about and sometime to work toward. Sometimes I don't like what I'm learning (ie some truly useless things at school) but I'll learn them just to say I learned them (or sometimes because I need to learn it before I can learn something I really want to learn).
What do you like least about yourself? I don't like how much I procrastinate. It is a serious problem for me and I know it'll be a long time before I manage to make myself change it. Hah, look, procrastination right there. I'll tell myself I need to do something, sometimes something important, and then I won't do it. Or I'll only do it part way. It's cost me things in the past and it's going to continue to cost me in the future.
How do you act in the company of other people? It depends on how well I know the person. If I don't know them, I'll come off as cool and detatched. I'm actually a really open person, but I don't seem that way at all. I've actually had people tell me they thought I didn't like them. I don't mean to, it just takes me a while to really become comfortable with people. But once I'm comfortable with them, I'll chat their ear off and reveal myself as the complete and utter dork that I am.

Which of these words appeal to you?
[♪] Contented
[ ] Distressed
[ ] Melancholy
[♪] Moving
[ ] Frustrated
[♪] Loving
[ ] Scared
[♪] Optimistic
[♪] Kind
[♪] Inquisitive
[ ] Self-important
[♪] Confident
[♪] Loyal

Using the same list from above, which feelings do you experience the most?
[ ] Contented
[ ] Distressed
[ ] Melancholy
[ ] Moving
[ ] Frustrated
[♪] Loving
[ ] Scared
[♪] Optimistic
[♪] Kind
[♪] Inquisitive
[ ] Self-important
[ ] Confident
[♪] Loyal

In general, are you more...
Introverted/extroverted? I'm an introverted extrovert. It takes me a while to warm up to people. I used to be horribly shy as I child, and while that gradually went away, I am still unable to just walk up to people and talk to them. I don't have the skill of initiating small talk. I like being around people, but I tend to just be quiet if I don't know them well.
Bold/timid? It's not that I'm timid, but that I'm non-confrentational. I'd rather let things pass than get in an arguement over them. On occasion I'll get bold over things, especially if I feel strongly about it, but more often than not I just deflect things. See previous question for my approach to people.
Warm/detached? Warm. I tend to be very affectionate toward my friends and people I associate with regularlly. I love to tease them and they're the ones that see my cheerful side the most often.
Optimistic/pessimistic? Optimistic, but in a realistic sense. I know what my odds are of doing certain things, but as long as there's a chance I'll succeed, even if difficult, I'll be optomistic.
Emotionally strong/weak? Emotionally strong. More often than not, if I'm under a lot of stress, I don't crack. And if I do crack, most of the time it's not for very long. I let myself emotionally purge and then go do what I need to do. I've seen what stress does to people, so instead of holding onto it and fixating on it, I let it roll off me. Sometimes that's bad, as sometimes I do need to stress over things, but it doesn't happen often.
Skeptical/trusting? I'm pretty trusting. While I don't go looking for signs that people are trying to manipulate me, I don't ignore them if they're there. I like to believe that people have good intentions, but I know not everyone does.
Ambitious/idle (or perhaps already content)? Idle amition? I know what I need to do most of the time, but getting around to doing it can sometimes be a problem.

Do you consider yourself moody? Why or why not? I'm only moody about a quarter of the time ;D Though seriously, I'm not all that moody a person. I
What mood do you usually find yourself in? I'm usually cheerful, though quiet about it. I'm either looking forward to a class, or just had a good class. Every now and then I'll have a bad day, but the good tend to outnumber the bad.
Which feeling have you least experienced (or don't want to experience)? Anger. I cannot maintain an angry mood, so when I do get angry it's not for long. I might feel distressed or frustrated, but anger never lasts long with me.
When someone wakes you up early in the morning, how do you usually react? Kind of grumpy. I don't like waking earlier than I need to, usually because I stayed up late the night before XD But if there's a reason for them to wake me up, I get up without much complaining. But if they're needlessly robbing me of my sleep, I will bite their head off.

What do you think of what's happened in your life so far? Some of it's good, some of it's no so good. There's a couple years I wouldn't mind skipping in almost complete entirety, but I know those years shaped me and made me stronger.
What do you imagine your future to be like? The next few years are going to be difficult academically. I'm not going to have much time to socialize, but I know it will be worth it. I can't see myself doing anything else, no matter how hard I try (or how hard I try to think of a back-up plan if this one falls through =x). I know what I want out of life and I know how I'm going to go about getting it. And I plan to enjoy myself. A lot of people think "I'll be happy once I have this or this" but I plan to be happy while I'm meeting my goals.
Can you tell us something that touched you very deeply? I'm a very music oriented person. I'm also very spiritual. So hymns in general, tend to really touch me. "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" is one that really touched me recently.
If you were Mytho and had a choice not to get one (and only one) of your heart shards back, which one would it be and why? Loneliness. I can deal with pride, I can deal with fear, I can deal with sadness. But I can't stand being lonely.


affection, !heartshardsthemestamped, curiosity

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