The Basics
Name: Olivia. Though, it was Sara for a good few hours before my mother came into the hospital and shot my father's suggestion down. Good thing, too, I can probably name six Sara/Sarah's I know personally within my own age group.
Nickname: Livy, Liv. Those two used to be reserved for close friends only, but everyone seems to use them now. It's like it suddenly lost all value.
Age: 15, turning 16 in March.
Gender: I's a girl. :3
Likes: I like music. Actually, I have a hard time understanding when people tell me they find absolutely no interest in it - Maybe they just have yet to hear real music..? It's easy to get confused with all the crap on the charts these days. A lot of my favorite bands or artists seem overlooked, past their prime or.. they're in an odd state. Too unpopular to get their own music video aired on MTV, but at the same time too known or not obscure enough to be liked by the indie scene. The hell is that about, anyway?
Relatively known-wise, erm. I like No Doubt, Barenaked Ladies, The Killers, Maroon 5, Jason Mraz...
I like long walks on the beach, kayaking, candlelit dinners-- Ahah.. No. I mean, the beach and the dinner would be cool. I hate sports and activities requiring me to.. well.. be active, though. I'm not active at all. The most active I get is when I just walk places. It doesn't look like I'm getting a car or a license anytime soon, as well - driving scares me. The biggest problem is just the fact that nobody knows how to drive these days.
I like giving stuff to people, whether it be money, food, a place to stay, sage advice, more money, an open door, information from a game FAQ, more money... Most might say my friends are just greedy bastards, and, you know what? They probably are. No wonder I'm barely in contact with them these days, they rob me blind. -_- Despite that - I'm not really a doormat, I offer that stuff up of my own will. I like my charitable side.
Dislikes: Most of the time, nobody wants my charitable side. They're like, "No, Olivia, I'll feel guilty" or "NowayzIcan'taccepturmoney" - and to that I say: You're getting it whether you'll feel bad or not. To feel bad over something like that is, in my mind, completely idiotic. I'm not giving you these things for no reason. I do it because it's supposed to make -you- feel better. So, to feel guilty completely defeats the purpose, and nobody wins.
That does, of course, lead to when I try to help people in general. In my last app, I said I didn't like it when people claimed to know my feelings when they really didn't, and I may come off as hypocritical here, but - more often than not, I do, in fact, understand where they're coming from, because most of life's feelings are ridiculously cliche and predictable. They do not seem to realize this. So then they tell me I couldn't possibly begin to understand and they shut themselves out. I hate when people shut themselves out.
And, as usual, I abhor the ignorant, the arrogant, the stubborn and the close-minded, which seems to make up most of the world. Maybe I'm just misanthropic..?
Hobbies: Reading is a big one. I love just about anything by Douglas Adams. The Harry Potter series - fantasy, The Hannah Swensen series - mystery, Wicked - No, I haven't seen the musical but it's apparently only loosely based on the book, and Memoirs of a Geisha are some single things I've enjoyed, too. Genre-wise, I like just about anything. I'm a sucker for romance, but can't stand romance novels - is it just me or does each one involve some murder, mystery, and a half-naked medieval knight ready to bed the protagonist at any turn? How unrealistic is that?
Anime and manga is another obvious one. Ai Yazawa is a god(dess), as is Harold Sakuishi. Yazawa for the romance and art style, Sakuishi for the stories and tough-lucked rock bands - seriously, someone tell me BECK doesn't just spontaneously combust in the end. I loved the Tutu anime (sub and dub), the manga less so (though I will admit Edel is very, cough, 'endowed', albeit out of place). Some other series include Peach Girl and Golden Boy.
Talents: I have been told by many that I'm a great actress. And, while I do actively participate in the drama club (up until this semester, anyway), I don't get a big head about it like most would. I've found being humble about it, perhaps even denying it, makes the results all the better. Maybe that's an act as well, though.
I can sing, just preferably not in front of people. I haven't worked up the courage for that yet.
And, while I'm not the most sports-active, I definitely have an active imagination. I could probably bust out some best-selling or critically-acclaimed material if it wasn't for the constant procrastination. Maybe I will get around to it. Just not today.
Ambitions/Goals: After a briefly considered career in acting and being hassled by my 8th grade drama teacher to never waste my talent - I want to make an act of my life. Which would, of course, involve me learning Japanese and moving to the country to pose as a native. Then make it to rock stardom, only to unveil my true identity on my death bed. A wise decision? No. A safe decision? Definitely not. A kickass decision, however? Hell yes.
... Plus, I'm half asian already (not Japanese, though my great grandfather was half), short, and have half-decent vocals - so I'm already half-way there.
Strong points: I'm honest - especially when no one else will take up the opportunity to be honest - and I'm loyal to others. I also like to think I look at things from all sides, and have an overall better understanding of any given situation. My body isn't very flexible, but my heart and mind are. Change is an every-day thing for me, and I embrace it as opposed to denying it's existence.
Weak points: I'm realistic in just about everything aside from my future career choice, and while I love helping to solve people's problems I tend to avoid my own. In other words, I'm prone to being a walking contradiction.
Your personality in 3 words: True, affectionate, accepting.
Mature/immature: Mature. I base this off the fact that, while I occasionally have some immature thoughts, I keep them to myself instead of randomly blurting them out at the expense of a cheap joke and the innocence of five children.
Outgoing/shy: It really is somewhere in the middle. At some times, I'll avert my eyes from people I've just met - guys, mostly - and at some times I'll be so loud ranting about something to my mother that I'll be told to keep my voice down.
Graceful/clumsy: It depends. If I'm in a car going 30 on a bumpy road, I'm almost certain to mix up a bowl of potatoes, cheddar and sour cream, no hassle at all. If I'm quietly sitting down to the same meal? FOOD. EVERYWHERE. Maybe I just work best in chaotic conditions or something.
Optimistic/pessimistic: Once again, the half full/half empty analogy is lost on me. If half full indicates optimism, what if I said the glass is just half full because that means there's less needed to fill it up with? In other words, "My life is almost over Thank God"? Or if half empty indicates pessimism, what if I said the only reason it's half empty is because I'm waiting for the rest of it to fill out? In other words, "Gee I can't wait the excitement is killing me." - However you put it, it can go either way. I say: The glass is both. I'm hopeful, but I'm realistic, too.
Leader/follower: Following is the easier choice, but I'm sure I'd be a capable leader. It's just a matter of whether or not I feel like leading, actually.
Color: Gold/goldenrod, or black. When people dislike black, saying it's cold or the absence of color - color-wise, it's a mix of them all. White is the absent one. So, to me, black is actually kind of warm and welcoming.. Carries so many negative connotations, though.
Animal: Ducks - they make for great merchandise - or swans, for their beauty.
Food: Potatoes. Not a lot of nutrition, but they're really versatile and they do fill you up.
Scents/smells: Lemon-lime, roses.
Fairy tale: The Ugly Duckling - The like isn't really related to my favorite animals, but more because a great thing came out of what nobody expected.
Princess Tutu character, explain: After stepping away from any previous fangirling and actually delving deep into my heart - I guess the biggest thing I like about Fakir and his character is that he does a complete 180 in terms of development. First he comes off as a jerk, then you come to find it's just so he can hide his various insecurities, then his kind side comes out, he reluctantly but still does decide to take Ahiru's help, then he eventually realizes he's unable to do much of anything without her, and in the end the two come together.
Most character development in series these days is really one-sided or typical - THE BAD BOY WHO IS GRADUALLY CHANGED BY HIS LOVER, or THE STUBBORN HEROINE WHO DISCOVERS THE POWER OF LOVE. In Tutu, everyone is different and more complex, and it really is like watching real people grow. Fakir is just a big example of that. Most people, upon being introduced to the story, have no idea of what he becomes - actually, I'm pretty sure everyone assumes he's working for the raven, that's what I did. But it's so much more than that. That's the real reason why he's my favorite.
Least Favorite
Color: Puke green? It's never stuck with me. And, well, really light, clover-like green reminds me of my ex boyfriend, who I have yet to completely come to terms with. Not that much will happen if we do.
Animal: Those little dachsunds and chihuahuas. Some I can tolerate, but most just bark a lot and pee all over my carpet. I don't think small dogs like me. ._.
Food: Coffee. How does anyone like coffee? I realize it's an acquired taste, but why force yourself to go drink it so much as to acquire it in the first place? What torture.
Scents/smells: Wet dog. Smoke.
Fairy tale: You know, aside from Princess and the Pea, which still makes little sense to me, I have to mention Sleeping Beauty. How stupid can you be to poke your finger on a spindle? Did her parents just not teach her the concept of, "When something looks sharp, don't touch it" - you don't even need to know what a spinning wheel is to know that.
Princess Tutu character, explain: Mytho. He was nice in the beginning, but the distant-mindedness and constant seizures kind of faded my interest. Now, Raven Mytho isn't so bad as he is hilarious. Also, while I did want Ahiru to end up with Fakir, I thought it was a little careless of him to completely dismiss how he felt about her for the course of the series in the end. I understand why, and it makes sense, but still.. That must have hurt a greal deal.
Have you ever taken ballet lessons? How did you find the experience? A very, very long time ago, for only a few weeks. I'd like to do them again, though, if given a chance.
If you find out that the only way to save the one you love is to disappear into a flash of light, what would you do? I guess I really have no choice in the matter. It's better I go than the one I love - whoever that may be.
If your life were a fairy tale, which would it be (and why?) If it counts (and I had to think a lot on this) - The Velveteen Rabbit. I've been cherished and then suddenly had my feelings thrown away, in a sense.. But I've always believed I'm making a comeback.
Picture (optional -- feel free to just describe yourself if you don't have/don't want to post pictures): 4'11''. Shoulder-length, curly (somewhat wirey) brown hair with burnt red undertones. Somewhat pale skin, small, slanted, almond-shaped eyes with a dark brown color.
Links to 3 apps you voted on (edit your post as you go on):
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Anything else? :3 My form is nothing like the one I previously turned in... I'm starting to wonder if I'm bi-polar or something. T_T Oh, the cut text mentions my trip to Vegas for Christmas. Fun, but you never know what time it is. Day pretty much never ends.