The Basics
Name: Thia
Nickname: n/a
Age: ♥
Gender: Female
Likes: See talents/hobbies.
Dislikes: elitists, hypocrites, stupid people, shallow people, doing dishes, cauliflower,
Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, video games, listening to music, riding my two wonderful horses, cosplaying 8D
Talents: Leadership, debating, art/drawing/design, decision-making, creative thinking, sewing (cosplayer nerd ahoy orz)
Ambitions/Goals: Do something meaningful in my life.
Strong points: Self-confident, decisive, good leader, doesn't give up, open-minded, good at analyzing things
Weak points: Short-tempered, easily annoyed, perfectionist, defies rules, procrastinates
Your personality in 3 words: Innovative, leader, confident
Mature/immature: Mature.
Outgoing/shy: Outgoing.
Graceful/clumsy: Neither.
Optimistic/pessimistic: Realist.
Leader/follower: Leader.
Color: Can't pick.
Animal: Cat or horse.
Food: Potatoes, onions, sweets
Scents/smells: apple-flavored candy, vanilla, caramel, any sort of scented shampoo, horse, onions cooking (yeah I know this is a weird list D8)
Fairy tale: The Goose Girl, because Shannon Hale's retelling of it is fab.
Princess Tutu character, explain: Rue, 'cause I love her tragic story. ;A;
Least Favorite
Color: Don't have one.
Animal: Small yappy dogs.
Food: Cauliflower.
Scents/smells: Rotten milk (rotten things in general don't smell very good)
Fairy tale: The commercialized Disney version of The Little Mermaid. IT'S A TRAGIC STORY, SHE DIES AT THE END DAMMIT. That always bothered me D8
Princess Tutu character, explain: Don't have one, I almost never ever dislike characters.
Have you ever taken ballet lessons? How did you find the experience? Yes, I did, when I was about 8. I liked it, but I didn't like my teacher, so I stopped. :[ I'd love to try it again, but my school doesn't offer ballet dance and I don't have time to do it outside of school. D:
If you find out that the only way to save the one you love is to disappear into a flash of light, what would you do? I don't know. It would depend on the circumstances. :|
If your life were a fairy tale, which would it be (and why?) Definitely not any of the traditional ones, because I'm... not very traditional. It would be some awesome retelling of one.
Picture: Here's
me (sorry if my HUEG LIEK ANIME EYES scared you). It used to be
looong (all the way down to the small of my back) though before I chopped it off last year. ;_; Uhh I'm short (5' lol I know), part asian.
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x x xAnything else? :3Nope ;o