Stamped; Heart Shards Theme

Mar 08, 2008 23:09

Name: Olivia - not that it matters. I'll answer to just about anything. Yuliee, Bob, Jesus..
Age: Turning 16 in eleven days. :D
Gender: Female. <3

What do you like most about yourself? I detach myself pretty easily from situations, even though some might say otherwise. Apathy is a fun thing to have when you're surrounded by stressful circumstances. Aside from that, I'm also really caring and generous.. at the same time, if I take the time to care, I really put my all into making people feel better or helping them out.
What do you like least about yourself? I'm a walking contradiction. I'm not sure people know what to think of me, or how to handle my personality - since I'm so unpredictable these days. Then there's the fact that, while I just love helping people, they seem to adore me so much (despite my faults) that they don't want to let me go. A part of me wishes I didn't have such an oddly appealing charm.

Along with this, I don't like dealing with conflict. It's not a matter of whether I can or not, I'm just too lazy or avoidant to clear things up. I think it's some inner feeling having to do with fear of people rejecting me or my ideas. I honestly don't know why they would do that, as I'm totally awesome, and the problem has faded with age, but it's still there.

And I'm fairly jaded when it comes to life. Let's thank the internet for that! Not only do I have an alienated view of sex (which I view as more comedic than romantic), love (which is also more comedic than romantic), and relationships (romantic or otherwise), but due to this I have trouble keeping friends or people I trust.

Not even that; they may think I trust them or value them but I couldn't care less. Or they feel betrayed when I tell them they aren't that close to me, even when I tell the absolute truth. It's really just due to lack of common interests and feelings, honestly.. and I get the feeling I'm light years ahead of everything. If not ahead, in another dimension entirely.
How do you act in the company of other people? Quiet, initially, because I used to be a very shy child. These days, I'm quiet only because there's no need to talk. When there is, though, I'll engage you in a conversation, without hesitation - unless I think said conversation isn't worth pursuing.

I try to be as considerate as possible, but I don't like to lie (unless it's just unavoidable or I'm not in the mood for a scuffle). If somebody is trying to play a practical joke on you (sign on the back, jumping from a corner), I'll tell you exactly what you're in for. Some may call me a spoilsport, but that's just not true. >_> I won't spoil the joke if it's actually good. And if you're being rude, I'll probably tell you to your face.. Though it may be through implications as opposed to straight up saying "Well that was a bitch move D:" - I prefer to have some kind of class.

Which of these words appeal to you? (Explain in brief beside each of the options you chose, if you feel the need to expound.)
[X] Contented
[ ] Distressed
[X] Melancholy
[X] Moving
[ ] Frustrated
[X] Loving
[ ] Scared
[ ] Optimistic
[ ] Kind
[X] Inquisitive
[ ] Self-important
[ ] Confident
[ ] Loyal

Using the same list from above, which feelings do you experience the most? (Explain in brief if you want.)
[X] Contented (I haven't felt estatic in a while, so this will do.)
[ ] Distressed
[X] Melancholy ('Being alone and being lonely are not the same'. Fortunately, I'm both. >_> )
[X] Moving (I'm pretty flexible. More than I can say of others, anyway.)
[X] Frustrated (With people, mostly. Probably due to their stubbornness.)
[X] Loving (What else can I do?)
[ ] Scared
[ ] Optimistic
[ ] Kind (For the record, I don't feel this as much as I used to, but people call me it on a regular basis.)
[X] Inquisitive (I want to know things. I analyze a lot.)
[ ] Self-important (I'd check this, but it'd make me sound full of myself. XD)
[ ] Confident
[ ] Loyal

In general, are you more...
Introverted/extroverted? Introverted, but I so desire the company of others. I can't see myself being happy as a hermit.
Bold/timid? It's a mixture of both, actually. I may not talk much initially to strangers, but I open up fairly easily - and when I do, ugh. It's hard to get me to not talk about things that aren't completely personal.
Warm/detached? Warm, when I'm in the mood. Most people would classify me as it, but I feel more detached lately.
Optimistic/pessimistic? Both. Life can get pretty horrendous, but for all we know we have just one chance to go for the best and not screw it up. I personally believe in a weird mix of reincarnation and afterlife (Defending Your Life, anyone?), but you get my point. It's not worth it to give up so easily or believe it's all bad.
Emotionally strong/weak? Coming from a person who has literally cried over spilled milk before, I'm not sure what to say. I cry pretty easily at fiction, but I can detach myself from real people and their feelings if I so desire. Maybe I'm somewhere in the middle?
Skeptical/trusting? Skeptical, just because I'm currently under the belief nearly everyone I'm surrounded by is totally incompetent, but that doesn't mean I don't trust people anymore. Yes, I've been back-stabbed more times than I'd like to admit, but I like to think of some of it as karmic payback (as I have hurt a fair amount of people in my childhood). I didn't deserve all of it, though..
Ambitious/idle (or perhaps already content)? My dream is to become a rock star. In a foreign country. Brainwashing everybody into believing I'm a native, then releasing the truth at the peak of my career. Most would call this ambitious, but I haven't taken all the appropriate measures (read: getting off my ass) to make it happen yet.

Do you consider yourself moody? Why or why not? Not drastically. I tend to get a little mean during certain times of the month, if you know what I mean, but I'm not bi-polar. Also, contrary to what I've posted on this app, most people wouldn't see me as the complete bitch I'm making myself out to be initially, if ever. XD
What mood do you usually find yourself in? Melancholic. It's not so bad, but I always feel like something is missing or that I could be having a better time somewhere else.
Which feeling have you least experienced (or don't want to experience)? Lust, probably. The internet has dulled my senses regarding that, so not much affects me anymore. ._. That's not to say I don't enjoy it in fictional series, but as for myself..
When someone wakes you up early in the morning, how do you usually react? Half-asleep. Though, depending on my sleep schedule I could either be on the slightly annoyed side to the 'I'm already up I've been up since like 5 why aren't you awake before me?' side. It likes to fluctuate. ... Then, occasionally, there is the 'Oh hey I haven't gone to bed yet :D' side.
What do you think of what's happened in your life so far? Meh. Mediocre at best. I've had some interesting times, but there's gotta be something more than this.
What do you imagine your future to be like? I'm gonna be rocking out, of course. The fame and money doesn't really matter, but the whole 'act' thing does. I hope I'll be happier. I'll have traveled, at least.
Can you tell us something (anything! Can be a song, an object, fanart, anime, food, etc.) that touched you very deeply? Everyone criticizes Bicentennial Man for being really trumped up or creepy, but it's always been a favorite of mine. >_> I swear, last time I watched it I was crying at like.. every other scene. (Then again that may have just been my period.)
If you were Mytho and had a choice not to get one (and only one) of your heart shards back, which one would it be and why? Fear is obvious, but I think it's a natural thing you shouldn't let go of. Regret is also obvious, but then I may never learn from my mistakes. I suppose.. Loneliness. I could definitely do without that.

Your 3 vote links (edit as you go on):
And even when your back's on the ropes / I can tell / You'll get 'em by the final bell...

!heartshardsthemestamped, loneliness, pride

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