Okay, it's been a while since I posted anything here. I just neeed to write my thoughts down now and I'll post it once I can. I don't have internet connection right now WHICH SUCKS because I really really would need to talk to people or at least be able to read peoples' comments online. Anything at all. Obviously I can't sleep like this. So I'll
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Comments 7
Mutta siis joo, äänestin tietty itse kokoomusta kuten arvata saattoi juurikin saadakseni kokoomuksen suurimmaksi ja sitä kautta hillitsemään perussuomalaisten sekoiluja -> kokoomus on tarpeeksi oikealla, mutta on silti suvaitsevainen ja eu-myönteinen -> persut eivät voi saada kaikessa tahtoaan läpi.
Kun demaritkin ovat nyt persujen edellä meillä on toinen "maltillisempi" puolue myös tasoittamassa perussuomalaisten tekemisiä. Lisäksi voisin kuvitella, että perussuomalaisten aatteet tuovat kuitenkin ihan hyviäkin juttuja esille (kovemmat tuomiot raiskauksista ja henkirikoksista, "pakkoruotsin" poistaminen ja muuta) ja uudistaa ja maanläheistää tiettyjä poliittisia ratkaisuja.
Ja joo, oon samaa mieltä siitäkin, että niillä on hyviäkin pointteja, niinkun just nuo mitä sanoit. Niin kun taisin sanoakin tossa ylempänäkin.
Mitä, äänestit kokoomusta?! O_O OMG! En olis ikinä arvannu! *kicked*
This post came as a surprise to me; honestly, if you hadn't specifically put 'Finland' in it I really think it could almost pass for the farce British politics are in at the moment. The Conservative-led Coalition we have in power over here at the moment is taking a painfully typical, deliberate (and rather harsh) anti-immigration stance at the moment, linking that to the Welfare State, because of course they're both reasons why we're paying so much money. God, I hate basic Tory policy - privatisation and isolationism, whilst the rich going on taxing the hell out of everything, and the poorer receive less aid than before. *sighs ( ... )
Oh, yeah, I can imagine the Tories are pretty similar... it's just that we didn't used to have a a big conservative right-wing party before so we're kinda going "wtf" right now. xD; Though these guys aren't quite the same thing, I think... Well at least they aren't religious? Plus a lot of their supporters are workers. Not that I know much about the Tories, though, I wouldn't know who support them but I've gotten the idea that it would not be workers. x);
And the TF at least seem to be for the little guy against the corruption of the earlier governments. Which is why I kinda feel sympathy for them, I just think they're totally misguided in their hatred against the foreigners and their isolationism. I mean, sure, isolating Finland from the outer world might help... if it was possible. And if we actually wanted to do it. But it's not and we don't. They're living two centuries in the past or something. And goddamnit, stop hating on gay people! We're doing NOTHING to hurt you so just leave us alone! >__< One thing ( ... )
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