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Some ghetto underground music for you because Sydän, sydän is... well... Heart, heart indeed ♥
Sydän, sydän - KukkoVoi kun soittaisit
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Seuraan vain kukkoa kotosalle
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Kaipaan ja kaipaan ja kaipaan jotain
Sydän, sydän - Pappa sanoi, ettäTerve kaikki naiset herrat
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Comments 2
I downloaded all of those, and they're really cool! Why must you have such cool music? Why? lol, I'm jealous.
Btw, do you prefer to be called Suvi or Lyly? and also, which is your favourite out of these colours - yellow, orange, red, purple or blue?
Because we are absolutely superior Scandinavians who wallow in the sea of angst and don't have anything better to do in cold and dark winter nights? ;DDD I myself would like to know why you British people have such cool music. The Kooks, Radiohead, Muse? Whyyy?
My family, teachers etc call me Suvi but most of my friends call me Lyly (I still don't know what's the reason for that), so you may do as you please, I'm completely comfortable with both. I guess it's more natural for you to call me Lyly, though, since it's the name I mostly use on teh interwebs :)
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