As the owner of a late 80s, early 90s Nissan sports car, I am willing to wear also the dodgy doodgy advertisements that Nissan used to sell their cars. Lets watch...
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And of course, the quintessential BLACKGOLD
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Only in the 80s/90s could you get away with things like that. The most obvious theme of all these adds is "MAJOR MOTION" and the profuse use of the word "AWESOME".
But hey, I don't mind, in fact I bear the brunt of these jobs with pretty good humor !
So, last night I went for a the first decent burn in the Zed since the rebuild. With my friend cautiously watching the map trace and the knock map, I put a but more of a hammer down. Absolutely no problems. We then up the boost from safety (0.7PSI to 1.2PSI) and watched the world stop. I have no idea how I manage to build such a machine but by jove... There are still some issues with high RPM wastegating and fuel cutoff, but by jove it is brilliantly good.