1. How old will you be in 13 months?
24 1/2?
2. Do you think you'll be married by then?
Hell no
3. Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?
It's easier for them to say something very normal that I respond to awkwardly.
4. What's your least favorite school subject?
History. But wait, I ain't got no school no more.
5. Who was the last person to text you?
Terren I think. Silly mass thanksgiving texts.
6. Do you prefer call or text?
Text I guess? Which is bad.
7. Do you have any pets?
8. What were you doing at 12 am last night?
I was at The Office feeling full
9. Do you like carrots?
Very much so actually, yes
10. When is the last time you saw your mom?
12. Are you taller than 5'4"?
13. How many city/towns have you lived in?
6? Hoboken, Montclair, Graz (if that counts), Miami, Granbury, Galveston
14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
15. Are you a social person?
As much as I can be
16. What was the last thing you ate?
Chicken fingers leftover from The Office
17. What is your favorite color?
18. What are you doing for your next birthday?
I have no idea.
19. Do you like having your hair pulled?
Um... maybe... or not I don't really know.
20. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?
21. Do you like coffee?
22. Would you rather have money or love?
Love I think
23. Have you ever sat on a roof?
I think so
24. What are you listening to?:
Pete playing Kingdom Hearts
25. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?
Yep. When I'm lying on my back it is the right side.
26. Do you know how to play poker?
27. What are you thinking about right now?
Being tired and wasting time.
28. Any plans for this weekend?
We've been roped into hosting a housewarming party Saturday night.
29. What time do you get up in the morning?
Varies greatly.
30. Do you eat leftovers?
31. Do you eat ranch with your pizza?
Um, no?!
32. Last person you IMed?
Kristen I think
33. Have you ever been in an ambulance?
Not for a ride I think
34. Do you prefer an ocean or pool?
Pool I guess. I wish I had gone in the ocean in Galveston more though
35. What color shirt are you wearing?
A white shirt under a black sweater
36. Do you know how to drive a stick?
37. Who/what's bothering you right now?
Maybe that I don't know if I'll have anything fun to do tomorrow night? A silly minor issue. So maybe other things.
38. Do you hold grudges?
Eh I don't think so.
39. Have you ever liked a cheerleader/football player?
40. Whose page did you visit last?
Kate. Oh well.
41. Are you a Lost fanatic?
Knowing Ryan Mikita really puts that question in perspective. But I do like the show a lot and certainly watch it religiously when it's on. Can't wait!
42. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
44. At this very moment what should you be doing?
Sleeping definitely. But I don't have anything til 3 tomorrow. But that's no excuse.
45. Do you read trashy romance novels often?
Not at all
46. What is the color of your bedroom walls?
Some dark variation on white
47. Do you shut off the water while you brush your teeth?
Yes. Thanks Tanya.
48. Would you date anyone on your friends list?
Of course.
49. Are you mad about anything?
Why do my eyes itch this way?
50. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car?
I wouldn't call it obnoxiously, though it depends on what I'm singing along too. Though of course I am usually just listening to NPR in the car.