It's that time again for a whole new set of fanart challenges! This set will run in a very similar way to the last: i.e. on a points system based on the awards people get every week until, at the end of the set (after 12 weeks of challenges), the top three participants will participate in a bonus challenge to determine the overall winner of the set. However, as always, there is a new twist and this time a few rules have changed, including one of the rules regarding entry submissions has also changed so please read everything carefully!
The challenges will be divided into two every week! The two challenges will be in the same post but whether you enter either or both challenges is up to you.
Part A of the challenge could be absolutely anything! It will mostly be themes-based and you will be able to choose the type of art you make for this (e.g. icons, banners, wallpapers, colourbars, etc). To make it easier pictures will be provided when possible but these will be sample pictures (i.e. you can use them, but you can use any others you might have as well.)
NEW! Part B of the challenge will be a picture based challenge. We will provide you with images from a particular tv show and you will have to make your entries from that. You will be able to choose the type of art you make for this part also.
You can make art for any tv show, tv mini-series or made for television movie (as long as, of course, it fits the requirements of the challenge).
How to Submit Entries:
NEW! From now on all entries should be hosted anonymously. This means that a) you cannot host your entries on photobucket (or any site where your personal album name is part of the url) and b) you cannot put your username in the entry. I don't mean to be an inconvinience but this just helps keep entries anonymous and sites like
Imageshack and
Tinypic where you don't need to register are free & easy to use. (And you can always re-host the art to your photobucket album if you want to have it organised there.)
To submit your entry please send it via pm to me, (
thedreamygirl) and include the following:
URL: Show: The show's name
Do you want a banner if you place: Yes/No
(Note: there is no need to provide the image because images don't show up in LJ pms)
Certain details of this may change depending on the challenges so don't forget to read the rules section of each challenge post in detail to make sure you didn't miss anything!
Challenge Deadline:
Each challenge will last for 7 days. So, if a challenge is posted on a Monday it will continue until the following Monday when voting is posted. Soon after voting goes up the new challenge will also be posted so that you can start working on your new challenge entry while waiting for results of the previous challenge. The challenges will all run from Monday-Monday unless there is an instance when both
lellie_mo and myself are not available to post on a Monday. Between the two of us it should be fine, but if this does happen then we will let you know in advance that the schedule will be different. The only part of the deadline that will have a tendancy to change is the exact time on Monday entries are due.
We don't mind giving extensions if people need them, but otherwise we'd rather not since they mess up the schedule. So, if one week I get a pm from one or two people telling me they're working hard on their challenge entry but need more time to finish it, we'll be happy to extend the challenge since more entries are always awesome. :run: However, if, for example, one week we only get three entries by the deadline but, if no one has either pm'd us or posted in the thread asking for an extension we will just assume people didn't like the challenge and don't want to enter it, so we will go ahead and post the voting.
Once the deadline has passed I will post all the arts together in a new thread, without saying who made which art. Entries must remain anonymous until voting is finished so do not post your entries anywhere or show them to anyone until the results have been posted.
Voting will take place using a poll. In the voting post the entries will be listed alongside an LJ poll which you can use to vote for your favourites. The poll will be multiple choice where you vote for your favourites (the exact number depending on how many entries we receive that week). Voting will be made anonymous so that you cannot see who voted for which art, but I will be able to see who votes for what and I will check to make sure that everyone is voting correctly and according to the rules. Voting rules will change regularly in regards to how many arts you vote for, but there are certain rules that will not, the most important being, you cannot vote for yourself. Cheating will not be tolerated! I don't mean to sound strict but we've had more than once instance of it in the past and it's just a pain for everyone; the mods having to sort it out and the other participants who didn't do anything wrong. It's all supposed to be just for fun, so let's not cheat and keep it fun! :)
If anyone breaks a voting rule, for example, voting for too few arts in the poll or voting for themselves, I will contact them via pm and inform them how to edit their vote in the poll. If they don't change their vote in time and their vote won't be counted. If that happens, I'll explain it in the results post and include what the final total is.
Excessive amounts of ties may sometimes result in tie-breaker voting.
Voting will usually last for two days. When results are put up the voting post will be edited to include the names of the makers of all the arts.
Every week 5 awards will be given out. The first three awards will be for the top three arts which received the most votes in the poll, i.e. First, Second and Third Place. The other two are a Mod's Choice award, which myself and Ellie will give every week for our favourite art, and a Critic's Choice award, which will be given by the First Place winner of the previous week to their favourite art. So, for example, if your entry comes in First Place for the first challenge, then for the second challenge you will choose the recipient of the Critic's Choice award. For our first challenge the critic's choice award will be given out by the person who was the overall winner of the set of challenges just completed. The winner of the last bonus challenge, which was
sleepyhd9, will give the first critic's choice. So, once the voting for the first challenge is up, they can pm me, letting me know which art they want to give the award to. "Critics" can also vote in the normal poll. In the event that any "critic" is unavailable for the week they're supposed to choose; for example, if they went on holiday the week after they came first, then I will ask the person who came second to give out the award. NEW! Whenever we have more than 40 entries for a challenge 6 awards will be given out, with two mod's choice awards. If we have over 50 special voting categories will be added, e.g. 'Best Colouring', 'Best Texture Use', etc. Ties are allowed and will be included in the results but excessive amounts of ties will result in no mod's choice or tie-breaker voting.
Points System:
Each award/placing is worth a certain number of points. The points system is as follows:
First Place = 12 points
Second Place = 10 points
Third Place = 8 points
Mod's Choice = 6 points
Critic's Choice = 6 points
Special Awards (e.g. Best Colouring) = 6 points
Also, even if you don't place, you get awarded one point for participation. So, for example, someone who took part 8 weeks of the compeition and never placed would end up with the same amount of points as someone who only took part one week and came third. Participation points are not given to people who receive one of the awards. So, if you received mod's choice you would only get 6 points for the award and not another point for participation as well. If someone who came second also received the critic's choice award then they would get 16 points (10+6).
As the weeks progress and more challenges take place your points will start to build up. Once twelve of these challenges are completed, all the points from the challenges will be added together to see where everyone stands on our scoreboard. The three people with the most points will then compete in a big challenge, which will be more difficult than the previous ones. Everyone will vote on their favorites and the person with the most points is the ultimate winner of the whole set of challenges! :yay:
Keep an eye out for the next fanart challenge, which will be posted on Monday. :)