I wasn't that impressed, either. The wedding was contrived, but very, very sweet. I love Alex. And I am kind of glad Meredith and Derek didn't get married yet. I'm hoping they eventually will, but I don't think they're ready yet, nor do I think this was really the wedding they wanted.
I hated this ep. Too much Izzie, too much Denny, not enough about Mer/Der...and I am NOT a Mer/Der person! I just want Izzie to up and die already, although I do feel for Alex. Poor guy gets the shit end of the stick every time. Maybe he and Callie should hook up....anyway, I was hoping they'd ditch Callie/Arizona, but I see my hopes were once again dashed. And the Slexipuke thing at the end...hurl.
Comments 2
Loved Cristina taking down the fan, too.
This is almost one of the worst episodes ever.
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