OK so it's a wrap... we have to wait 4 long months to find out what happenes next. I am actually in the middle of watching it again to see if I missed anything or some clues last night as to what was going to happen.
I like that Callie will stand behind her ethics and not cut off the kids leg if it is still healthy, but she does it anyway.
Arizona is just sooo perky.
UGH Mark asking Lexie to move in with him and she did not even get it… or maybe what Derek said that he shot him down. Thanks god, because I don’t like them together. Lexie was a bit wishy washy when Mark reapproached her and said that he wanted her to move in with him. She said give me 7 years. They are not going to last.
Ugh Denny is still hanging around, yeah I know it is only a day dream but still. Don’t get me wrong he is nice to look at. Izzie should be discussing it with Alex… Denny is her tumor. Real cleaver Shonda *rolls eyes*
At least Izzie is asking for Alex’s opinion… but he is right that it is really up to her.
OK so now it may look like Izzie might be a vegetable, but mind you it is only 18 mins into the episode and she is having some kind of brain mapping.
I love Alex they have really grown his character this season. This surgery is going to be a deal breaker for Izzie probably to stay alive. I like that Derek said that he would want Meredith to have the surgery if he was in Alex’s shoes.
Alex really loves Izzie, I like that he wants her to have the surgery, in a way yeah she might have 2 months left to live, but the surgery might work and give her , her life back.
Callie and George are working together… I just realized it.
Please MARK STOP talking NOW… this whole let’s move in together thing is making me ill.
Arizona is trying to keep Bailey in peds and the chief is trying to pull her toward general surgery.
I love George… he is still that true blue friend… no matter what has happened he is still by Izzie’s side. He always has the right things to say and tell someone.
Izzie is signing a DNR, not a good sign at all… she may be a goner by the end of the next hour.
Bailey always knows how to get them and makes everyone’s world a little better and brighter.
NO NO NO NO …. GEORGE don’t go!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe he is leaving for the Army.
Part 2
HA HA HA Bailey got the peds fellowship and Arizona telling her that she can get her pair of heelies was priceless.
I cannot believe that George is going to be a trauma surgeon in the Army…
Now everyone is pissed at Owen because George is going into the army. But it is not his fault. I think George want to have his own identity and what better way to do then to leave and do something that he thinks is worth while.
I love everyone’s reaction to George’s joining the Army. They love him and want him to stay, but their plan may not work, because he might have his mind set on doing good for the country.
WOW Baliey’s husband giving her an ultimatum if she accepts the peds fellowship. That is knind of crap, whe is a great doctor.
This whole Izzie short term memory thing is going to start to get annoying. I hope it will come back. I don’t think Alex can handle it if Izzie’s memory does not come back 100%. All the notes that Alex is leaving around shows how much he loves her.
WOW I think Callie might get where Arizona is coming from now. I like that they are giving Arizona a bit of back story, they seem to take too long with all the other characters.
I love that Yang told Owen that she loves him. Cristina so changed this season.
DAMN Bailey is leaving her husband. I like what Bailey had to say about what things are scary. I think Tucker does not want her to be the bread winner.
Oh shit Izzie remembers… ugh she is going to live now… well I guess I can live with her character.
When Meredith finally figured it out, that it is George… it sent a chill down my spine. I must say Shonda pulled a good one. I would never have though that the guy was George. Apparently alot of people I know did not get the 007 reference. That is a classic and it all happened in the first episode of Grey's. It was a running joke over the seasons.
I figured the guy might have been Geroge when everyone was looking for George and the Chief said that he sent him home to be with his family since he was leaving in the morning. I know it was supposed to e a twist we were only supposed to figure out at the last moment. I really want to know why he was there and got hit by the bus in the first place.
This just sucks… not really knowing if they are both dead, dying or what have you.
I would love TR to stay, but I think they wasted the character of George this season. Katherine has said manytimes that she wants to do movies. I guess we will find out soon enough if they are both going to bite the dust.