Grey's episodes 6.5 -6.8

Nov 12, 2009 20:53

Oh so I Am playing catch up... I just don't want to abandon my reviews... so I decided to finally post all my rambles tonight before the newest episode of Grey's airs. The show has been getting a lot better this season. I don't love the merger but it has brought some interesting stuff to the show.

I have done a really crappy job lately.... these are just things that jumped out at me during the episodes.....


Wow that is a lot of Mercy West people… I know they merged and all, but I don’t know if I am going to dig this merger yet.

I love when Lexie said are you quoting a Sygorney weaver movie… I was like Alien’s baby.

YES… Papa Torres…. OH NO… bad idea…. You pray away the gay… that was a great line.

I like how Callie went and talked with Arizona about her father’s return.

I am getting annoyed by these new Mercy West people.

WOW Callie is really sticking it to her daddy… that was a great scene

Holy shit Cristina is crying , breaking down…

I like how Arizona with to Papa Carlos Torres with her story. Maybe it will make a difference in how he will see Callie.

Wow her dad did a 180… a big wedding and grandkids.

Oh shit Izzie left Alex… that sucks for him… and her getting fired… she did mess up big time.

6.6 I saw what I saw

Am episode that continued from the previous.

This looks like it is going to be an interesting episode… you know everyone is going to have a different story.

These interns/residents from Mercy West are really getting to me… bickering about who gets the good cases.

Oh snap the Mercy Wester fainted while helping Bailey… I am love this so far. The he said she said take is great.

Mark’s lack of facial hair makes look like a baby.

Everyone is laying this all on Yang…interesting.

Ok so Yang did order some meds but she was very thorough with the chart since she was not her patient. Then Lexie gets her when she could not breath.

Yang would know if the lady could not breath… she saved the other guy with a whack to the chest.

Lexie looks like she may not be cut out to be a doctor.

Tell me Karev is the Next to go… at least Izzie called Alex. He was distracted by the phone call, but he got the job done.

I just don’t get that the woman just died and she is no ones patient…that is just crazy.

Everyone got distracted by the man with the axe and especially the Mercy Wester who wound up killing the girl… she got axed but not like we were invested in her in any way.

Derek hit the nail on the head… there is just too many people fighting for cases and it creates chaos.


I like that this is going to be Derek’s episode… voice over and all.

Alex is back to being Alex the ass. Izzie really messed him up again.

I like how everyone is coming into the room and talking about the spinal tumor.

I like the way Bailey talked about the tumor. Chief was not to happy to hear about the tumor and he is not having it being operating on it.

I like how at the moment Derek is going to go against the Chief.

I love Cristina… it is like she knows she is going to scrub in. I can’t believe Cristina messed up.

I love how everyone is backing Derek doing the surgery against the Chief… Lexie with the depends is a great idea and I love how Cristina thought it was genius.

Oh Crap Derek was just busted…

I love that Derek drew on the wall and got a vision of what he needs to do.

Cristina and Lexie both wearing diapers that was priceless… and Cris getting her operation cancelled.

WOW Arizona stood up to the chief… well until he walked away and she cried like a baby.

It is interesting how Callie went from being in the hall to being side by side in the OR with Derek.

Alex is so messed up from Izzie it is not even funny. I cannot wait to see what happens when she comes back.

Oh snap the chief fired Derek after he did the surgery. I like how he told him to sleep on it.


Callie falling out of bed was priceless

What the hell happened to the girl… 4am emergemcies make for a good episode so far.

I love how Cal and Arizona were racing to the Ors

“Ignore the scalpel hungry animal”… said by Callie to Owen about Cristina… I love it.

I really like Arizona even though it is all syrupy.

Cristina is still on Peds rotation…. How is that little boy in med school…. I think that is a bit of a stretch.

OK now we know who the little boy is… he is a genius kid. I Am liking this little boy.

25 million dollar woooooowwwwww…that is crazy.

I love how everyone is hanging out at Callie and Cris and eating breakfast together and callie serving it up.

So shit Alex got saddled with all of Izzie’s medical bills.

Alex is going to be an ass again. I like how he was getting a heart and now he got hurt by Izzie all over again.

This girl that was high and broke like all her bones …. OY that was some bad break and now she is crashing.

You see they work Cristina’s cardio knowledge into the or and now she can not even use it.

I knew it Cristina was going to be sneaky to get some Cardio in… I like that she went against Owen and I bet she will save the girl.

I think Cristina wanted to save a life. Owen was looking at the big picture.

Arizona is looking for that extra validation to get this surgery done. I love Cal and Arizona. The play well off of eachother.

Everyone is fighting tonight… How could Arizona blame Callie for not being there for her if she was in her own OR.

WOW Arizona stood up to the chief… everyone was pushing for the surgery that she knew better to do, but on one wanted to listen.

I love how Meredith always sees the shiny side of things with Cristina and told her that Owen loves her that is why he was mad as hell at her for what she did.

Look at Alex still with the baby… he does have a soft side that he does not let others see.

Oh shit the surprise party back fired… but Callie meant well. How was she to know the little boy just died.

New girl called Alex on his crap. She got Alex to spill . I think I like the new girl.

I love the little moment at the end when Arizona came back and told Callie that she loved and and you heard her say it back.

Oh and next week Izzie makes an appearence... this should be interesting.

season 6, grey's anatomy

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