Better late than never.... so we are three weeks into season 7 and I am finally going to post a little run down of what my thoughts are as I watch the show.
Season 7 might just be shapping run downs are a bit choppy. This weeks run down was better then the last two.
7.1 With you I am born again.
Tuck got big.
I like the way they say everyone has been changed by the shooting. I don’t think Meredith is fine.
I can not believe Cristina is getting married…ha ha ha Derek is in jail…
Chief is back as chief… or is Bailey just used to calling him chief. OMG everyone needs to be cleared.
Finally Derek quite chief…he never really liked it once he got it anyway. I like his speech. It is true Chief is their chief.
Glad to see Alex is still living.
Meredith is nagging Derek that cannot be good… Love the chief getting is groove on. He is happy to be back in charge.
I live this group session… Lexie is not ready to be back…she is going to crack….oh that was a flash back.
I like how they are showing flashback to how they all start to cope/react to the situation.
Meredith has changed big time… Alex is back to being Alex….Lexie totally flipped out.
I love how they got them all back on the gurneys in the abandoned hallway… Bailey as much as she has been effected by the shootings she is back to being Bailey, just because she needs to keep on keeping on.
You see I totally forgot that Meredith had a miscarriage…
I love Cristina… Her session with the shrink was interesting. She really does have some deep seeding problems. She puts up this front…but deep down she has all these feeling of weakness. She never wants to show them. I am still not sold on her and Owen.
I hope Cristina does not run out on him… Ha ha Meredith left Derek in jail for speeding. Red is her color.
I wish they got rid of that April girl…
7.2 Shock to the System
OMG cristina is freaking about being married I think. OMG Cristina is becoming that kind of woman.
Lexie is still losing it or more like the odd man out.
OMG Meredith is trying to get cleared. She was all weepy. She is still not clear.
I don’t know if Arizona and Callie will make it right. Arizona called the apartment that Callie decorated frowny…LMAO.
OMG if Mark proposes to Lexie I am going to throw up. You know is now going to take a cue from the kid that professed his love to the girl.
Teddy talking to Arizona about her shacking up with Callie was priceless.
WOW Cristina has never had a panic attack like that… she is really messed up by this shooting. She is real and not a “Robot”.
Teddy is sleeping with the shrink….I did not see that coming.
7.3 Super freak
Awwww what you do for your best friend… Ha Ha Ha love Dereks reaction as he rolled over.
First time I see an attending meeting…and I love it. I hope Cristina gets over her PSTD fast. Although I love the story they are giving her.
Derek’s sister shows up this should be interesting. She brings him a brain tumor.
Teddy, Arizona and Callie are interesting together …” I am not GI Jane… I am attachment Barbie.” That is too funny. I am now liking Teddy without her being involved with Owen.
Derek is cold. Now Alex is experiencing PSTD as well. The whole staff is messed up in different ways.
I still hate April.
Tree man might prove to be an interesting story/case.
I love Callie telling Sloan to “Look away”… I am so glad that the show builds on their friendship every week.
I just cannot believe that Yang would be so indifferent about medicine and surgery in general because of the shooting. It is so out of character…maybe she has been hiding her fear all along. I am still trying to figure out this change of events.
I like the little scene between Meredith and Callie about Cristina moving out because Arizona is moving in. The whole Cristina was sleeping in my bed with her and Derek and made Callie feel like crap.
Derek comparing Cristina and Meredith to ET and Elliot… that was funny and great pop culture.
Mark needs to stop staring at Lexie.
The whole almost getting shot should not make Yang afraid to do an operation.
The Chief telling Karev that he stinks was priceless.
I think Derek will help Cristina get passed this thing.
Love that Callie took a swig right out of the brandy bottle. I like these 4 ladies together. Teddy needs a place and I think they have at least found something for her to do then to just pine over Owen.
April went off on everyone…maybe I don’t hate this girl that much anymore. Meredith took the words right out of my mouth…”April I am liking you more and more”.
What a way to get Owen and Cristina to move out… that made me LOL. Callie and Arizona.
Mark is becoming that man whore again…well Lexie told him she did not want him.