Title: Talk To Me: A Be My Escape Sequel
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Of course I own nothing...sheesh. The format for this story also should be credited to my hero- Meg Cabot from her Boy Series. (*If you haven't read them- do. They are completely amazing...)
A/N: I seriously tried to post this on fanfiction.net but was unable to because of my usage of email addresses. Oh well. Here it is. I will be only posting this story here and move All I Need to my fanfic site. You might want to read Be My Escape before this story...just a suggestion. Read and review!
V-Mom: marshmallow_2007@neptune.ca.net
Logan: badassfilms_lecholls@universalfilms.com
Alex: computrmster_jman@neptune.ca.net
Duncan: dkane9197287@kanecorp.com
Nichole: nkane51439765@kanecorp.com
Scott: skane6592439@kanecorp.com
Hannah: hannah_kane02@duke.univ.edu
Mr. Grant: judge_grant@neptune.gov
Mac: ccasablancas8175397@kanecorp.com
Dick: coach_dick1@nhs.edu
Meredith: mcasablacas4398752@kanecorp.com
Isa: girl_shooter17@neptune.ca.net
Wallace: neptunevp_fenell@nhs.edu
Weevil: bikerman2000@neptune.ca.net
mars_investigations09@neptune.ca.net ____________________________________________________
TO: snarkreprtrgirl_1609@neptune.ca.net
FROM: Neptune_HSAdmin@nhs.edu
SUBJECT: Tardiness
Miss Mars-Grant,
It has come to our attention that you have received your 11th tardy within the short span of three months. How this many lapses in arriving promptly to school have been overlooked is beyond our knowledge or understanding. It has been brought to our attention, though. Your parents will be notified of your inability to arrive on time for school. It will also be marked in your permanent record unless removed through community service, working under the school-pride improvement plan, or an administrator of the school overrides the mark. We hope in the future you understand that being on time for class will prepare you for your future and the responsibilities you will have as a productive and positively contributing member of society.
Noted: School starts at 8:05 am Pacific time. Please make note of this and plan accordingly. We will be keeping track even moreso of your record and ability to arrive on time.
Neptune High School Administration
judge_grant@neptune.gov, sgrant_nyc@neptune.ca.net
Neptune_HSAdmin@nhs.edu SUBJECT: Tardiness Report for January Mars-Grant
Dear Parents/Guardians of January Mars-Grant,
We, the Administration of Neptune High School, are notifying all of you of your daughter’s extreme tardiness. This past Wednesday she received her 11th tardy notice- arriving at the School at 8:45 am- 40 minutes late for school and her first class. We expect as active and involved parents/guardians you will take an active role in making sure your daughter arrives to school on time.
We are also informing you that this will be marked in her permanent record until she takes actions to reverse it.
Neptune High School Administration
Neptune_HSAdmin@nhs.edu FROM:
snarkreprtrgirl_1609@neptune.ca.net SUBJECT: Account for Tardiness
Dear Neptune High School Administration,
First, I’d like to say it is so nice to hear from you. I have no clue who you are except that you show up when the School wins National Awards such as for Outstanding Journalism won by myself or at High School Graduation. Now, that you are fully aware of my activities perhaps you will finally answer my questions regarding specific inane and ridiculous school policies, misappropriation of school funding, your inability to stop the harassment and bullying of several students by the Swim Team, and why you would allow a former-domestic violence offender to teach and coach at our School.
Secondly I am including the reasons for which I was late the 11 times you have me marked. I am sure you will see these excuses are justifiable and excusable of all my tardiness.
Aug. 20th-Arrived at 8:35 am. Reason for tardiness: Pulling a freshman taped to the flag pole off and helping him locate appropriate clothing. Was taped to said flag pole by the Captain of the Neptune High School baseball team for talking to his girlfriend, who happened to be an old family friend. (*According to my records the said Baseball player was never punished for his actions. Care to comment?)
Sept. 1st- Arrived at 10:30 am. Left school at 1 p.m. Reason for tardiness and leave: My Dad was being held hostage in his courtroom by a former Neptune student I helped put away for murdering several Neptune students. Fortunately, they eventually were able to control the situation and the Hostage-Crisis and SWAT team subdued the perp and my Dad walked away without being shot or you know-dying. Thanks for caring.
Sept. 2nd-Arrived at 9 am. Reason for tardiness: Star witness in above repeal case. Testimony overturned repeal and sent crazy-frak’n serial killer back to life in prison.
Sept. 10th- 15th- Arrived each day at 10:20 am. Reason for tardiness: I was staying with Logan Echolls and Veronica Mars, my parents. My mode of transportation was broken and they insisted on driving me to school. They also insisted that we have breakfast every morning and use the time to share and talk about the day ahead. Should I be punished for my parents’ actions?!? I informed them when school starts. They themselves know as former alumnus of N.H.S. but they believed it would be okay under the circumstances that I spent most of my life without them because I was adopted.
Oct. 6th- Arrived at 12:30 pm. Reason for tardiness: Witnessed a hit and run in School Parking Lot and tailed the car until back-up could arrive. (*By the way, since it was Principal Kellen’s car that was hit and it was because of me that I discovered it was his mistress who hit it- shouldn’t this one be overlooked as school care and concern?)
Oct. 19th- Arrived at 8:45 am. Reason for tardiness: I over-slept.
I hope you will take into deep consideration the excuses offered above and repeal your act of placing this on my permanent record. If this cannot be done, I will suffer the consequences. Then I will feel compelled to understand our School Administration better and what I can do to please them and be a ‘better productive and positively contributing member of society.’ (You know beyond solving crimes, ridding Neptune of teen-killers, winning the School National accolades, and the like…)
January Mars-Grant
snarkreprtrgirl_1609@neptune.ca.net FROM:
Neptune_HSAdmin@nhs.edu SUBJECT: Re:Re: Tardiness
Oh, forget about it. Just promise us you will stay away from the School Board meetings, P.T.S.O. meetings, and any other meetings concerning the school.
-N.H.S. Administration
sgrant_nyc@neptune.ca.net FROM:
Neptune_HSAdmin@nhs.edu SUBJECT: Mistake in Records
It has come to our attention we have made a clerical error in your daughter’s records. She has only one tardy on roll which did not justify the pre-sent message. Please disregard on our sincere apology that it will never happen again.
Neptune High School Administration