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Comments 67

Prompt scarlett2112 December 2 2016, 19:21:06 UTC
Elena's is the owner of a busy department store. She expects Ric or Stefan (whomever you choose) to show up to play Santa Claus.

Damon is the middle of a high stakes poker game when he finds his pockets empty. Ric or Stefan happen by and give him the cash on the condition that Damon do has do something for him. He's under the impression that he has to pick something up at Elena's store when what he really has to do is be the Santa Claus.

Playing Santa is not something Damon's is prepared to do and tries to walk out. However, Elena isn't one to say no to.

You take it from here. Sex is optional. Bonus points for a kid, either a cute one, that melts Damon's heart or one that drives him crazy the same way that Elena does?


Re: Prompt dannielle1989 December 3 2016, 01:01:23 UTC
I have to take on your prompt as my first one this year. I can't resist writing anything Damon Salvatore and kids.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Prompt scarlett2112 December 13 2016, 01:17:31 UTC
I get a blank page when I click on it?


Prompt (yay!) sauriemilia December 2 2016, 21:46:43 UTC
Two strangers (Damon and Elena) missed their respective trains and are stranded in the station on Christmas Eve. Without other options than to wait until morning they decide to make the best of their situation by improvising a celebration. If you manage to get smut involved then who am I to judge? ;)


Re: Prompt (yay!) seethegoodinyou December 6 2016, 04:11:47 UTC
This one sounds like a lot of fun. I'm game! :)


Re: Prompt (yay!) jaybunzy0 December 7 2016, 14:22:12 UTC
This one has lots of possibilities! Going to have fun with this one!


Re: Prompt (yay!) jaybunzy0 December 23 2016, 20:52:27 UTC
Here it is! Hope you enjoy it! Merry Christmas!



Prompt dannielle1989 December 3 2016, 00:58:42 UTC
The Salvatore's and the Gilbert's have hated each other for generations. Somewhere down the line, they have forgotten why, it was just expected that the feud would continue. However Damon and Elena would have to disagree. They got to know each other in college, and started dating. After dating since the beginning of the school year they decided they were totally it for each other and eloped right before going home for Christmas. They decide to come clean to their families at the Annual Lockwood Christmas Gala.

It's totally up to you where it goes from here and tweak the prompt as you see fit.

Bonus points for the news causing someone to get drunk and cause a scene at the party, mistletoe and spiked egg nog. Smut or no smut is up to you.


Re: Prompt tamilnadu09 December 5 2016, 23:36:05 UTC
I've been giving it some thought and I'd love to put a little Romeo and Juliet spin on D/E, minus the deaths and all of course xD but feuding families should be fun to write about :D


Re: Prompt dannielle1989 December 6 2016, 17:14:43 UTC
I can't wait to read it!!!


Re: Prompt tamilnadu09 December 17 2016, 04:30:18 UTC

prompt! tamilnadu09 December 3 2016, 23:33:38 UTC
okay so I once started a fic with this similar idea a long time ago but I've realized I'm never going to finish it soo I tweaked the idea a bit and put a holiday spin onto it:

No one in the scooby gang has any christmas plans for one reason or another so Elena drags everyone onto a Murder Mystery Train (they can be vampires or humans, whatever fits the story best). Everyone is grumbling and reluctant- especially Damon- but the others eventually get really INTO it. Except for Damon, who wanders off in the middle of the whole mystery thing. Elena notices he's gone and they end up in a secluded part of the train by themselves. Here they can either have a heartfelt conversation about why he dislikes Christmas, or....other hijinks can ensue ;)



Re: prompt! lilianegrouse December 5 2016, 13:39:15 UTC
I've always been fascinated by the concept of Murder Mysteries, and still hope to attend one some day, so I think I might just give this a go and live vicariously through DE. Eek! Scary trying my hand at fanfic again all these years later. Hope I won't disappoint :)

AJ (aj81writing)


Re: prompt! tamilnadu09 December 5 2016, 23:33:01 UTC
I'm sure it'll be great! yay!


Re: prompt! lilianegrouse December 25 2016, 14:25:27 UTC
It's live on fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12289611/1/Murder-on-the-Mystic-Falls-Express
Hope you enjoy, I put a little spin on it I hope will entertain you :)


Prompt lilianegrouse December 5 2016, 13:46:43 UTC
Damon and Elena are on their way to a ski cabin or other type of holiday destination when Damon's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. How ever will they stay warm? ;)

Feel free to be as clean or as smutty as you like, but they should probably be human since it'd be too easy to just vamp-speed on out of there :)



Re: Prompt sauriemilia December 5 2016, 21:52:14 UTC
Love me some stranded love birds! All that contained sexual tension! I'm really looking forward to writing this. =)


Re: Prompt lilianegrouse December 5 2016, 21:54:10 UTC
Yay! :) Looking forward to reading!


Re: Prompt sauriemilia January 3 2017, 01:44:38 UTC
Here's the link to the story. Hope you enjoy :) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12304684/1/Let-it-Snow
Im having trouble uploading the last part because my computer is acting up but Ill have it up tomorrow at the latest. ;)


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