4x19 My Realm: A world of Mystery and Science Fiction

Apr 04, 2013 19:53

I think,it is diffecult to seperate this two genres and that some tv shows are both, but I to seperate some
TV shows in this two genres and call this whole thing: A world of mystery and science fiction.

One resaon, why I like this genre is, that everything is possible and you can do in it whatever you want (as long you have a good explanation for it). And I also think this genres are so different from my own life it is a good distraction and I like to think
about different worlds this tv shows are playing in and how I would react if I was in that situation.

(I hope, that is okay for a short description)

Mystery                         VS                          Science Fiction

















32 Icons x 2 points = 64 Points
3 picspams (64 pics) 32 Points
Total: 96 points (if I count right)

challenge: my realm, member: mariella1983

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