I had a pretty good weekend all told. Jim had to go into the studio on Saturday, which was kind of a bummer because as much as I love football, it's so much more fun watching it with Jim. But he got home in time for the Jets game and we had a nice evening.
We did have sort of a disagreement before he left though. You see, I don't feel like Jim fully understands what we have to do to get ready for this baby. He doesn't get that you can't just order furniture and then expect it in your house in a week. You have to research and find what you like best and what is best for the baby. He just has no patience for "shopping around" and insists that it's just not his way. Well, guess what- you're going to have to make it your way in this case! I think it's a matter that he simply doesn't trust that I know better sometimes. That I've actually done enough research that maybe, just maybe I know what the heck I'm talking about. I do understand that we're not sure about where we're going to be living- the goal is that we'll be in a house by the time the baby comes. But we can't depend on that and it'll be a whole lot easier to get an entire room that is devoted to only baby ready than it will be to make our tiny apartment livable. That's what we have to concentrate on. Then he got his feelings all hurt because he thought I was implying that he didn't care as much about the baby as I do, which is ludicrous- I'm not sure I've ever seen a prouder father. But it is true that he hasn't done any thinking logistically about how we're going to fit a crib into the place. Anyway, his bruised emotions/ego were eventually soothed and Sunday morning he woke me all fired up with a plan of what we're going to do with the living room. And it's an excellent plan- all he needed was a little push!
Sunday was a very relaxing day. We sat around all day watching the games, then went out to eat. Except that the place we headed for, one of our faves in the city, was closed! As in- eviction notice on the door! It was called O'Lunney's and it was an Irish Pub kind of place, but very spacious and open. They had the BEST onion soup and fish and chips. So sad. So we went to another Irish pub, but it wasn't nearly as good. : ( Then we came home and watched 24. And it was worth the wait... Later, in bed, Jim finally felt the baby kick. He was so excited!
Football stuff:
1) Randy Moss is a putz. It's almost as if he saw that Terrell Owens was getting more of the "bad boy" press and now he finally has the chance to outdo him. As if leaving the field before the game last week was over wasn't enough, he had to indulge in that classless end zone celebration last night. I don't blame the media for talking about it and making a big deal- how else are you going to change things??? I mean, Mike Tice is certainly not going to stand up to him. Red McCombs is more worried about unloading the team than dealing with his star athlete. Dante Culpepper is not strong enough to take Moss in hand. When do these people finally say- enough is enough. The thing with the majority of the television commentators is that they used to play the game. They understand the pressures of being where Moss is, but for the most part, they didn't take part in his kind of antics. They have every right to express outrage at the image that Moss is projecting of the NFL, an organization that in many ways has tried desperately to avoid the image problems that have plagued other organized sports, like the NBA. And as Herman Edwards said about the Terrell Owens MNF mess, it promotes a negative stereotype of the African American athlete. On the other hand, I also appreciate what Tom Jackson said on the ESPN Countdown show Sunday morning- he's not going to talk about Randy Moss anymore. And he stuck to that last night when Berman tried to discuss the endzone celebration- TJ just sat there looking into the camera while Berman went off.
2) The games on Saturday were very fun to watch, the games on Sunday...not so much. I love that the Pats and the Colts have to play each other- one less team for the Steelers to worry about in the championship game. I know, I know, they haven't beaten the Jets yet. And it's certainly not a slam-dunk (mixing my sports terminology), not with John Abraham back. But by all rights, it should be the Steelers in the title game so I choose to believe that they will be.
3) Poor Favre.
I guess that's about it. I'm all alone in the office today, which sucks on one hand because I can't go get a manicure like I had planned on doing today, but is also really nice because I don't have to talk to anyone.