• Episode: Episode 3x07: A Challenge of Doing Things
• Ep Summary: Create stuff of someone--doing something...
• Ep Details: Inspired by the blog of
Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things, you will create a tv fandom picspam of a particular character--doing something.
• This can be a quirk, habit, or just some mundane act that this character constantly does throughout the course of their show. Maybe it's quite popularly known or maybe it's something only you have noticed. Expose it with this challenge :D
• Think,
Jack Shephard: Crying at ThingsKaylee Frye: Smiling at ThingsTim Riggins: Drinking Things or my personal favorite...
Kyle Hobbes: Hands on his Hips • You must make 8 things. This can be 8 icons, gifs, or images of this habit/quirk. You can mix and match as long as there are 8 things total. You can create a fanvid so long as there are 8 images or 8 clips featuring your quirk.
• Your concept can feature 1 or 2 characters.
• How to submit: Reply to your TEAM THREAD with your entry or a link to it.
• Your ratings: 15 points (no partials)
• Sig Tag/Icon Points (Y/N): Yes
• Air Date: Due January 11th @ 10pm EDT -
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