Hey, I read your short, Don't Speak over at the JC-Source Forum, liked it, and found my way over here...I'd love to read more of your writing so I added you...I also write, and am in the process of finishing a het (possibly) piece featuring Justin and J.C., so it'd be nice to relate to a another writer in this fandom, or who just enjoys writing. Anyway...hi. :)
hello! thanks for adding me, i've added you back. i've not really been writing much popslash as of late, i've been too busy to even think of writing... but yeah, i have a lot of work in progress at the moment so maybe you'll see something up soon. :)
You're welcome (and thanks for adding me back)! I can relate to the being busy thing...I continually to try and find more time for doing art, but it's so hard lately as I'm constantly occupied with school and work. :x
Add me please? I've been following you in your KoRn daus and we're both Libs fans now? I suppose that's rare. I've just been scrounging the net for some old Head/Munky. *sigh*, I missed them. :-/
o.0 oooh it's been years since i wrote korn slash! have i spoken to you before? that is kind of weird! this journal is just for popslash which i post as public and i hardly ever update it. my gj fic journal is more active and has libs slash in it among other things..if you have a gj i'd recommend you add that instead XD
I'll add it later, I haven't gone on gj for years, LOL. I'm seperated_. You haven't known me, I only got the courage to add Lydia once... But I've followed all the stories/writers, I was always reading, they were good times.
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